Yep, it really does get easier, just take your time, and try to do it while you are relaxed.
use a pin to support the wick, this makes the coil easier to wind while you are winding it. Remove this as late as possible even after the coil is fitted if there is room. When removed it will leave a bit more breathing space for the wick inside the coil.
Also if possible try to get an igo-l(other drippers are available) when funds allow as these will be easier to practice your rewicking and will give you a more satisfying vape as there isn't much that matches it for flavour.
just google igo-l dripper, they are very cheap and should last you forever as there is nothing to really wear out.
if you need any more help, just ask, we are all here to support each other.
Ps: the igo will look a bit big on the ego, so have a google search for a plinth as well. You can use it without but it won't look so nice. You can always buy the igo first and then the plinth later.