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Can you have too much of a good thing?

Robzki, i'm using an ego-t with a ce4 clearo at the moment, although i have re-wicked and re-coiled it myself and have no idea what the resistance is because i didn't check it before using it. My vaping experience isn't quite the same since i did that, i don't seem to get the same flavour as i used to, and the vapour tastes quite harsh. But i've got no choice but to stick with it for the time being, lack of funds being the main reason. I found the whole re-wicking/re-coiling experience quite stressful and turned the air a lovely shade of blue ;). I guess it gets easier the more you do it, and i'm guessing you learn a few tips and tricks along the way to make the process a bit less STRESSFUL!!! LOL. :soupset:
Yep, it really does get easier, just take your time, and try to do it while you are relaxed.

use a pin to support the wick, this makes the coil easier to wind while you are winding it. Remove this as late as possible even after the coil is fitted if there is room. When removed it will leave a bit more breathing space for the wick inside the coil.

Also if possible try to get an igo-l(other drippers are available) when funds allow as these will be easier to practice your rewicking and will give you a more satisfying vape as there isn't much that matches it for flavour.

just google igo-l dripper, they are very cheap and should last you forever as there is nothing to really wear out.

if you need any more help, just ask, we are all here to support each other.


Ps: the igo will look a bit big on the ego, so have a google search for a plinth as well. You can use it without but it won't look so nice. You can always buy the igo first and then the plinth later.
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Thanks Robzki, just googled the igo-l and was sufficiently baffled LOL! Does that screw on top of the ego battery instead of the clearo? I've come over all confused now :anyone:.
In this case I would say too much of a good thing is still better than any of the bad thing it replaces.

Your situation sounds a lot like mine.

I smoked about twenty roll ups a day and switched to 12mg juice overnight. I couldn't put my e-cig down and was dragging on it like mad. I burned atties out for a pastime!

Then I increased my nic content to 18mg and started hitting the thing less. But now I'm almost permanently attached to it again and despite the freedom from the stinkies I feel more addicted to nicotine than ever and I'm hitting the thing before I even put the kettle on in the morning. I'd at least have breakfast first when I was smoking. (I get through about 4ml of juice a day with a clearo but more if I'm having a dripping atomiser day).

The way I see it is it tastes good,I don't pong like an ashtray,I'm not short of breath,it's infinitely safer than smoking and my bank balance is recovering handsomely. So regardless of how much we vape can any negative conclusions really be drawn? Err..........ummmmm....errr....NO! ;-)
I must admit to hitting the ejuice quite heavily over the last few days! However it's ultimately better than smoking and Mrs Sniper is over the moon that I have quit. Nearly two weeks now so it's all good.
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