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can you mix nicotine e-liquids with non nicotine e-liquids?

I generally like my juice in 12mg but I bought a load of no nic and 24mg of the same juice cheap off a forum and simply mixed the two together effectively creating a 12mg mix so yes it can be done. Just add the 2 nicotine levels together and half it. This is not 100% accurate as some PG / VG base liquid contains nic but it's as close that you wouldn't really notice it.
I go for 12mg or 6mg e-liquids. So, if I mixed 50% no nic liquid with 50% 12mg liquid it would only be 6 mg liquid? Diluting it by half?
Yes, that's it but make sure you shake it well and leave to sit so that the two strengths 'blend' together. It's a bit like mixing water with cordial - if you put water in a glass and then add squash you'll see that it's not completely blended together but as long as you give your juices a good shake the'll be good enough.
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