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Cancer Research UK and the University College London

POTV has just received an email from a master's student who is on a research team in the Department of Epidemiology and Public Health at UCL, which is conducting a study funded by CRUK about the attitudes towards e-cigarettes and long-term effects & safety of e-cigarette use.

I have looked over the study and am in correspondence with the research team, to get the study up on the forum for you lovely vapin apes to take part in (if you so choose)

The study is going to be in a questionnaire type form, not sure if it will be submittable online or via email at this point, but I wanted to give you guys a heads up so as many of us can take part in it as possible.

As soon as I hear back from the research team and we hash out some more details, they will come post the thread up with all of the information.

Cheers guys! I hope we can give them a few hundred (if not thousands of) forms to go through once it's said and done!

Well up for that, don't know if it might help I'm a nurse too? I have noticed many effects of vaping against smoking and would love to be a part of a good study!
I've replied to the thread with the questionnaire and I'm afraid I haven't been gentle way too much bias toward the Cig-a-like and an unconscious treatment of e-cigs like doses of medicine - to be taken in fixed blocks at set intervals
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