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Cancer Research UK Finally Admit What We All Know



Today Cancer Research UK (CRUK) released a report titled “The Marketing of Electronic Cigarettes in the UK” - it’s long document and along with some interesting observations, and some infuriating – but one particular one stood out to us.
Direct Quote from CRUK’s briefing on E-cigarettes:
Consumers are being given more accurate information about nicotine, and specifically being told that the health problems of smoking are not caused by it, but by other chemicals. In theory, this should have the effect of increasing the acceptance and appeal of nicotine (or at least reducing its lack of appeal) and hence boost NRT options. However, as discussed below, it is uncertain whether cessation or NRT is likely to do well out of the e-cigarette revolution.
3 guesses who CRUK are protecting
“Consumers are being given more accurate information about nicotine, and specifically being told that the health problems of smoking are not caused by it, but by other chemicals.”
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