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Cap Graham cracker & Vanilla custard V2s ?


Feb 27, 2017
Hi guys, got some Cap Graham cracker and Vanilla custard coming soon, both V2 versions.
The % recomendations are vague, for the Graham cracker I've seen from a few drops to a couple of %, the custard from 1 to 5%.
Any ideas?
One other is Super Concentrates Bourbon. Have tried a couple of bourbons and didn't like them but want to get one that actually tastes like one, maybe this will, who knows. Been trying for an RY4D Bourbon for months, alas they tasted like garbage. Anyone tried Super Concentrates Bourbon?
Only thing I could think of would be to send them back [emoji23] iv never tried a v2 or TPA DX that I liked once they took the nasties out it seems they taste like cheap ass concentrates [emoji6]
^Agree with mattyk2010, I've not tried the graham cracker v2, but the vanilla custard v2 is gross
Ha ha, i did read in a search that Bellyman thought it was ok but couldn't find any % recommendations.
I only got small 10ml bottles to try so if they are crap i haven't thrown much away, $4.50 Aus each. I have tried the cap NY cheesecake V2 and it was ok, as well as the Sugar cookie which was nice. Their Vanilla Cupcake V2 is ok as well. But hey, i do like blue vein cheese too so maybe my crap receptors are not too functional :18: Maybe Bellymans like me and will consume almost anything, no disrespect Belly if you read this. :57:
Custard V2 isnt bad, slightly stronger than V1 BUT it requires a realllly long steep. V1 is pretty much good after a week or two whereas v2 needs 6 weeks at a minimum.

If you hit on a RY4 Burbon i would be really keen on that, spunds right up my alley. Have you played with FA Vanilla burbon, it isnt the most punchy burbon flavour but the vanilla note should work really wekll with RY4 double (If that is the one you are using of course) Sounds like quite a nice match. Starting at around a precent should be on point.
Thanks mate. The limited stuff info i found on the V2 custard is exactly like you said, requires a longer steep than V1 to taste good.
What % did you try it at, as the info i found had was really vague?
Yeah i use RY4D, great base for a lot of my vapes.
Been trying for the Bourbon for ages. This new one is non pg or vg based, its alcohol base. Who knows how it'll be, good i hope.
Mixing some today so will see in around a month time how it is. I really hope this one works.
The Vanilla bourbon you mention will go on my next order, thanks.
I used it at around 4%, give it a try and be patient.

After you mentioned a burbon tobacco yesterday I started having a look around if there was any such recipe and found one that looks really decent so gave it a mix up, Ill report back after it has had a bit of a steep. It uses the vanilla burbon like we discussed with fa vienna cream and fa caramel to bolster those caramel and vanilla flavours in the RY4. Might be a good start to start playing with.
Good one, be interested in how it goes.
Did a couple of hours mixing myself today with some new concentrates. I often add with my Ry4d some FA caramel and marshmallow. Might do one tomorrow with those and the Cap custard v2.
Good one, be interested in how it goes.
Did a couple of hours mixing myself today with some new concentrates. I often add with my Ry4d some FA caramel and marshmallow. Might do one tomorrow with those and the Cap custard v2.

I recall reading somewhere that CAP VC v2 was superior to v1 when it comes to desert tobaccos and especially RY4, wish i could remember where I read it.

I've also been playing around with TFA RY4 and FA Irish cream for a while now and I'm getting nice and close to that punchy RY4 type flavour im looking for.
It may have been a guy perhaps from a US forum called Will something or other. He came up a few times on my search about the V2 and was by the looks a lover of it.
Bummer we have to wait so long to see how they turn out though huh!? Ahh, nothing wrong with learning a bit of patience though, all good things come to those who wait, or so they say. I did a citrus mix, champaign today and im hoping it tastes as good to vape as did a drop on my hand that i tried. Will see in a couple of weeks. Cheers mate and good luck with the irish cream one.
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