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Carol would like to move up a gear


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
Sorry that it's another of "those" questions, but being newish to the entire vaping game, I came here to learn. If asking questions about gear that you all know irritates, well I am sorry. :whiteflag:

My wife is fast approaching the time to move up from here ego and twister, I know this because of a conversation had last night when I mentioned that the fund for my Jazz Carto Pipe is coming along nicely and hopefully another fortnight should see me owning one. At that point, I'd like to surprise Carol with a nice MOD as the next step along the way and I wondered what suggestions you fine people would make? She thoroughly enjoys and benefits from vv vaping, oddly, with her, she finds that she needs to start the day at a higher setting and that she decreases through the day. I should also add that she appears to have broken the honeymoon phase and now is vaping as and when she feels like a couple of hits as opposed to almost chain vaping, something that I too have now stopped. She isn't one for some giant piece of equipment, but on the other hand, nor is she the sort of person whose make up has to be just so before she'll leave the house LOL.
Budget would be between £50 and £100 in total, so that would have to sort the mod itself, battery/s and charger. She isn't that taken with Cartos, preferring her Vivi Nova as she can do all her own coils etc.

So...... Thoughts would be much appreciated.:thumbup:
Being newish me self. I went for a vmax. (it was cheap). But most are advised to for a vamo.
Hello Rob, nice thoughts regarding Carol, well done. So you have a Jazz fund and a Slush fund. You're not the first!

For a combination of price and sheer quality I have no hesitation into leading you towards a Roller or Dingo found here. http://www.atmizoo.com/shop/?lang=en

In their smallest form the Roller or Dingo are near enough the same height as an 18650 battery, so nice and Picture 34.jpgpetite. ATB.

Roller/Dingo's are nice, but non VV... Safercigs does a small 14500 vv mod called the Robust (and we have a discount code!)
Aha!!! Well no surprises for guessing that it would be Darren Safercigs that I'll be conducting the Jazz Carto transaction, so perhaps best thing will be to have a day out and go down there ourselves and then hopefully we will both be very happy bunnies?
I will start closer to home
http://marketplace.planetofthevapes...-Bodies/k-max telescope mod, K-max mod, k-max

This ones Variable Wattage which is more consistent then VV and its telescopic which means she can make it smaller or bigger if shes likes ;)

and these :)

I have the full version of these and love it... ZT also has his lovely one up for grabs http://classifieds.planetofthevapes...gelei-v3-zmax-flat-topped-telescopic-kit_i237 for about 15£ cheaper and he takes good care of his stuff!
Well I've said it before and I'll say it again lol

The vamo is a good all rounder but I've not used any other vv other than my lavatube so yeah have a good look about, but that's my suggestion, mine is still serving me well and your looking at around the 80 quid mark for one with a good charger + a couple of 18650 batteries if that helps at all :)
Ooh, I like the look of the K-MAX. Am watching this thread as I am also looking to upgrade. Nice thing to do for Carol :)

Also, you shouldn't feel like you are annoying anyone with your post/questions. We all had to start somewhere and learn as we went along. I am new to all this too and still learning (and personally don't care about asking annoying/stupid questions) and I also have much more to learn. So keep asking.

I am finding this thread very helpful so thanks for posting it.
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