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Cart life / Warm vapour?


Apr 11, 2013
Thought of a new question...

How do I know when my cartomizers have run out, expired, whatever?

I have been refilling the same 2 for a while now.
According to the JAC website they will last approx 10 refills.

However they also say that it takes 25-30 drops to refill them.
I cant get more than about 10-15 drops in (my VG is quite thick).

Ooooh I just thought of another. I'm on a roll now...

Sometimes the vapour gets warm does that mean the liquid is getting low in the cart or does it just mean i've been puffing away like a chimney?

Cheers peeps
lower air flow will cause more warmth in your hit ...slacken the clearo off a little ..and toking like a chimney dont help either lol
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