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Cartomizer virgin


Dec 6, 2013
I've been vaping now for about 4 months but have always used clearos. I bought some Kanger horizontal coil cartos recently & tried one out with a new flavour I haven't tried before.

Lots of vapour & flavour so no problem there but it just tastes vile. I know about steeping but the company's website says it doesn't need it.

i know about cleaning a clearo but other that thowing this used once carto in th bin how do I get rid of the flavour so I can reuse it ?

I did read somewhere that these kangers can taste funky the first few times you use them so is it the liquid or the kanger ? Guess I could try the liquid in a clearo but it smells just like it tastes. Horrible.

I had a craving for the taste of tobacco & this is a tobacco flavour so maybe after so long I don't actually like the tobacco taste anymore. Mainly use sweet & dessert flavours now.
i prefer the kangers over boges but i know people who are the other way

at first i tought you meant you just had a cart prob...but if the juices smells and tastes foul then it must be the juice......id use a juice that you know to be ok in a clearo and then try in a cart....i use nothing but carts and much prefer them as they are far less hassle than coiling etc...although occasionally i do coil things...using divers at the mo which is a rebuildable carto :)
I had a craving for the taste of tobacco & this is a tobacco flavour so maybe after so long I don't actually like the tobacco taste anymore. Mainly use sweet & dessert flavours now.

You might have hit the nail on the head with this line.
I started on fruity flavours, and when I finally tried a tobacco flavor for the first time. My first impression was and still is, "what the f..k is this s..t". Even thou I smoked for 35 years, the taste of tobacco to me not good. Where as others do like it.
So it could well be, that you don't like them, and your kit is fine.
You might have hit the nail on the head with this line.
I started on fruity flavours, and when I finally tried a tobacco flavor for the first time. My first impression was and still is, "what the f..k is this s..t". Even thou I smoked for 35 years, the taste of tobacco to me not good. Where as others do like it.
So it could well be, that you don't like them, and your kit is fine.

If that's the case then that is unfortunate. I bought 3 * 10ml, not all the same flavour, but all tobacco variants. There's always the classified ads section for swops I suppose.

An answer of how to get rid of the flavour from my carto appreciated.
i think its just the flavour you're not partial to, to clean the carto just run hot water through it until the wadding goes back white and let it dry overnight and you should be good to go if the flavour is lingering soak it overnight.
Thanks @Ninjaassasin1983 I'll give that a go. Had to scrub my hands a couple of times as inevitably you get a little on them & the smell from my hands was just persisting even when vaping something else. The old nicotine fingers from the old stinkies days. Nooooooo.
Thanks @Ninjaassasin1983 I'll give that a go. Had to scrub my hands a couple of times as inevitably you get a little on them & the smell from my hands was just persisting even when vaping something else. The old nicotine fingers from the old stinkies days. Nooooooo.

A soak in vodka will clean them as well.
Also, I really like tobacco flavours especially with caramel or maple but some are disgusting. I can't vape virginia flavours or hangsen storm; horrible vape and lingering bad smell after. So it might be that one you tried or it might be all tobaccos.
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