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ce5 just stopped working

Do you have another battery to try it on? Sometimes the battery posts on these things can get a little picky.
If you have a multimeter, just check the bottom post of the CE5 for a resistance. If you get nothing then it's probably a blown coil, if you get something whih seems right (say 1.6ohm at a guess) then it's a connection issue to the battery (or the battery is broken / dead)
are the CE5's the ones that you can replace the heads?
checked with another atty, and that works ok, I'm getting a reading with the meter, live in the pin thing, and neg on surrounding area
i think so, it came in the vamo kit

Like jrob3rts said, it could be the centre pin on the CE5, try wiggling it down a little bit and see if that helps, if not, it could be the coil head for the ce5 which migt need replacing.
looking at it, i dont think these can be striped down, i thought they could,
wheres the best place to buy some spare atty things, that can fit the vamo, and i can clean, and re use..
i just read the instructions, it list loads, so what i need then is some ce5 that i can rebuild, is that right.
or is their any others that can be rebuilt, to fit the vamo, and you can see how much liquid is in it
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