I've signed it too, but have to be honest: I think it's going to be meaningless. Even if enough signatures are garnered to require a response from the government, the response will be generic and simply rehash that the youth need to be protected from vaping and a public consultation has been had with another one on the way.
IMHO, it's the next public consultation that all vapers need to take part in, although reading the government's response to individual questions posed in the first consultation seriously curbs any hopes that I may have had in them actually giving a damn about the responses they get in the second one.
Although much of our daily lurker traffic comes from international visitors, there is still a fair few daily visitors from within the U.K. Perhaps when the new consultation begins @OccultScientist can again create a pop up with a link informing everyone who visits the forum that the consultation is under way, in the same way that a pop up appeared to inform everyone about potential changes to images stored on the forum's server.
Only this oneIs there a petition on uk gov yet ?
the parliament is only required to respond to petitions on it’s own petition website, this one https://petition.parliament.uk/
change.org is an american private company that want people to sign the petitions because they make money from it. a pointless waste of time.
Aye, only parliamentary petitions force a governmental response or Parliamentary debate. Maybe I should have used "prompt" a government response, as opposed to "require" a government response. But many petitions have been started and presented to the government to demonstrate public feeling and illicit a response when a significant number of signatures have been acquired. If what has been said about an attempt to use existing powers to bring all this in is true then Parliament could be moot. Besides, with what comes out of Labour, even if new legislation in sought then they'll no doubt find enough Parliamentary support to pass any new legislation giving them the powers to do whatever they want. Either way, the point remains: any response from the government from a petition on any platform will be the same and will only rehash the position they've already taken.
Anyway, as ZT said: nobody is going to waste ink replying to a handful of signatures.
I am not aware of any specifically from Change, but I can't say that I've ever really paid any attention to what platform any petitions presented to the government originate from. But I am aware that petitions can be, and are, presented to the government and with sufficient support they garner a response.do you know of any from change.org that have gone that way? i suspect there might be none but could be wrong.