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Chapped lips.


Aug 15, 2016
Slightly odd question, but does vaping cause insanely dry lips for anyone else??

I've bought every type of lip balm out there & its still really bothering me.

Suggestions?? Cure??

(Or is it just me??)
yes - I just drink more water and dab a little coconut oil on them when lip balm isn't helping - found you a list of lippy do's n' don'ts to give you more pointers ;) http://www.today.com/style/put-down-lip-balm-doctor-approved-list-chapped-lips-do-t69466 I notice that they steer you towards balms with vaseline/bees wax in them - these make my skin worse and I have to avoid those, so it's worth paying attention to whats actually in the stuff you're using to moisturise your lips if certain balms aren't working or even exacerbating the problem. Good luck, it's bloody annoying!

Btw coconut oil is fantastic for cooking the most delectable scrambled eggs, and pancakes too :p
I'd say it 'can' rather 'does' as it's not something everyone suffers with ..... maybe if you were prone to dry lips before it makes it worse? .... not sure, it isn't just you though.
Honestly guys, its doing my nut in. I feel like some kinda weird OCD freak who has to smother their lips with gunge every few minutes!!

@yappycat thanks for the link, looks like I'm gonna have to drink even more water, coat myself in cocont oil & buy a humidifier. There goes the new tankI had my eye on :bananamonkey:

@simong Its nice to know I'm not alone in my weird dry lipped misery. :violin:
As @simong said it can, I suffered when I first started vaping but I'm convinced it was due to constant spit back from shitty equipment and having liquid sat on my lips. Touch wood, been fine since. Hope it clears up soon man.
@simong Its nice to know I'm not alone in my weird dry lipped misery. :violin:

.... also don't forget that for almost all of us, starting vaping coincided with stopping smoking and stopping smoking causes quite a lot of 'trauma' (sorry can't think of a better word) to your body. ... it's still getting nicotine but none of the other stuff in fags, so in a sense you are still going through a lot of withdrawal process. It will get better.
..... also easy thing to do would be to moisturise at night, literally cover yourself in it ... it might make it a little easier during the day.
In case anyone else suffers from this, thought I'd pop on an update........

Fixed the problem with 'Blistex Relief Cream', now my lips are soft & smooth just as they should be.:bliss:
The other one that can be an issue is the drip tip. I've had a couple of mates had real lip trouble with stainless tips, but moving to acrylic / delrin or even gucci artisanal hand carved free range ethically sourced wood (or something, I stopped listening when it all overloaded my hipster senses) solved the problem straight off.
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