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Charger or batteries whistling??


Oct 27, 2014
Hi vaporists, I recieved my first mod and batteries last week, last night I went to charge my aw18350 and 18500 batteries in my trust fire tr01 charger and noticed the charger or batteries making a faint whistling noise, it's only the 2nd time I have charged them and don't recall it making that noise before. Is this safe to use or is going vaporise my house! Turned it off and left it be last night
Got the charger and batteries from cloud 9 so will drop them a email to see what they make of it.
Just wanted to see if anyone else had experienced it.
A quick google search shows a few people have had the same problem but response vary from it will be fine to chuck it all in the bin
I have the same charger and has always whistled like the batteries are screaming out in pain as electricity is forced into them then quitens down after 5-10 mins I had that charger about 5 years and its never changed and always charges the batteries and never set anything alight so tbh you'll probably be fine :)
Is it a twin battery charger I have a nitrocore charger and if I charge 2 batterys at the same time my charger whistles but it's never been a problem just a little annoying try just putting a single battery in and see if it still wistles
thanks for the replys, felt better about putting the batteries back in and it seems to have charged them ok despite the noise. It does get less noticeable after its been charging a while.
With the info on the web about exploding batteries etc i still find the noise disconcerting so i thought why muck about and got a xtar charger and a kick 2 coming from cloud9:yahoo:
I can almost see those poor batteries cowering and shaking as they over hear you use the word kick haha
I guess it is normal, my nitecore charger and batteries whistle (or sing) all the time...
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