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charging 18650 18350 batteries safety

Vaping Gray

Dec 24, 2013
i have 2 of each batteries 18650 18350s and a nitecore intelicharger,
i have seen for sale special bags to put batteries into while charging.
is it necessary and does anyone use them?
Just a bad idea to charge when no one's there

This is the advice I've been following, I don't know how beneficial these charge bags are but I've seen them on alot of vape shops websites too. Has anyone had any bad experiences charging these type of batteries? I guess it may also have to do with the quality of the batteries you have (i.e. where you bought them from).
You have a quality charger as long as your batteries are of similar quality as above charge but remember they are there and switch off when fully charged,it is a no no to go out or to bed and leave them
This is the advice I've been following, I don't know how beneficial these charge bags are but I've seen them on alot of vape shops websites too. Has anyone had any bad experiences charging these type of batteries? I guess it may also have to do with the quality of the batteries you have (i.e. where you bought them from).
No problem yet but anything shouldn't b over charged phones ,tablets, vibrators u take a chance with anything left on there own for hours
If you do not leave the batteries unattended when charging then safe bags aren't really necessary, however if you're going to leave them alone for more than a few minutes then yes use one...
no problems-yet but Always turn off overnight and i refuse to buy these from auctions
as long as you are using a nitecore charger and your batteries are good quality and also not going to be left alone then you dont really need one of these bags ive been on mods for over 2 months now and never had any problems.
Don't leave them when charging - many chargers don't actually stop when the light goes green but will trickle in more charge. This is probably OK until the next time you charge them... When it'll be far from OK. Personally, any charger that charges them above 4.21V is either being adjusted till it doesn't or binned. If the charger puts batteries above 4.3V bin both it and the battery - it is not safe to use.

AFAIK the Intellicharger does stop but I'd not trust any charger entirely so only charge batteries when and where you can keep an eye on them. Pull the batteries the moment the light goes green - or whatever it does to indicate full charge.

Get a multimeter - a cheapie will do and use it.

And don't buy batteries with "Fire" in their name.
I've never used a charging bag personally, but one thing that should be mentioned is don't put a nitecore or similer charger in the bag cos it will overheat. Due to the tramsformer being inside the charger itself it needs airflow around it. The charging bags are ok for ego's and mobile phones cos the transformer is in the plug.
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