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Cheap squonker?


Sep 15, 2013
Hi guys/gals....
Not on here very often these days(too much dabbling in my other hobbies)so haven't been keeping upto date on what devices are about.I built my own squonking box mods which are still working a couple of years later(and amazed me in the process as most things I make quit shortly after)but I have now decided to give TC a try.When I last looked,adding squonking ability to a device seemed to add hugely to its asking price so I dread to think what adding TC to it as well will do to its retail value.I'm in no hurry so if it's from FastTech or anywhere else in China isn't an issue.

All/any suggestions for my requirements?

Able to run over 50 watts(sometimes my body decides it needs a hefty cloud from some flavours)
Kanger Dripbox 160W.
Can be had for about £50.
Has that TC capability on it.
Check out Grimm Green and Todds reviews on that thar youtube.
Old school temp control for the win

Remove when temp reached [emoji6]
Ps good to see ya Adam
Ok, just checked and the only tc board I have currently is a istick 40w tc. It's yours if you want it though.
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