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We all fall for the hype at times !

Would this be a good thread to ask if the improved battery door on the latest dovpo topside dual makes it worth buying, Ive got 3 0f the older model driving me crackers ?
Totally agree with falling for the hype, I have a cupboard full of kits and juices to prove it! However I think it's part of a learning curve, at the beginning when we don't know so much about vaping, we believe in the next best thing, BUT a few years in and lots of money spent, we realise that whatever satisfies and keeps us off the cigarettes is good enough
You can get boro tanks made of metal, glass would be too fragile screwing in 510 nuts n that,, dropping the thing, same with pods they are cheap for a reason, there would be glass everywhere....it is just not practicable in pods....neither are glass trainers :)
Well, actually you're right. Yet, while I have looked on the aluminium or SS tanks, the slide cover is still plastic.
Well, actually you're right. Yet, while I have looked on the aluminium or SS tanks, the slide cover is still plastic.
Mine are aluminium and glass.
Although technically plastic isn't the problem it's the human throw away attitude.
Well, actually you're right. Yet, while I have looked on the aluminium or SS tanks, the slide cover is still plastic.
The old style boro tanks should have glass sliding panel
Nope. 100 and 250ml brown glass bottles.

does the nic come in plastic bottles? if not, do you know where it’s stored between being manufactured and sent out to you in the glass

i’m sure the concentrates must do.
does the nic come in plastic bottles? if not, do you know where it’s stored between being manufactured and sent out to you in the glass

i’m sure the concentrates must do.
Well, I am pretty sure that it is stored in plastic drums or cans. Yet, there is a limit what you can do, and while the manufacturing-> selling period is relatively short, the storage period in my case is months or longer.
I have a Vaporesso Armour GS with some of the 5ml tanks and it's very good. Zero leaks or airlocked tanks. Nice thick clouds and saturated with flavour. If you want to use it for dtl you need the dtl pods and 0.3Ω coils or lower. Both the mtl tanks and higher resistance coils have a higher draw restriction.

Anything that keeps you off the cigarettes is a good thing, even if it takes a while or costs a few pounds upfront.

When you buy a pack of cigarettes, all you're left with is a pile of ash and a cough. Even with a cheap vape, you can use them for months to years and as spares.
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