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Cheap Vanilla Custard e-juice


Jan 14, 2014
I've always fancied trying some custard juice but I hate the fact most folk charge ridiculous prices on it. I managed to find someone on eBay doing 10ml bottles for £2.99 a piece including free postage.

The liquid is sold as Hangsen, it's really good stuff too! Proper creamy sweet and rich give it a blast, just look for hangsen custard on eBay. :2thumbsup:
I've always fancied trying some custard juice but I hate the fact most folk charge ridiculous prices on it. I managed to find someone on eBay doing 10ml bottles for £2.99 a piece including free postage.

The liquid is sold as Hangsen, it's really good stuff too! Proper creamy sweet and rich give it a blast, just look for hangsen custard on eBay. :2thumbsup:

Probably hangsen should be bought from Hangsen resellers to ensure its genuine and you arent getting a knock off juice of bad quality? Not only that, its against ebay policy to sell nicotine in eliquid, so who evers doing that is skirting ebay policy and should probably be reported...shitty right?
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Would not buy any juice off e-bay prefer to use trusted sources and I suspect it will be removed very shortly as it is against there policy. That and vanilla custard is just wrong!!! :p
Rule of thumb, only buy off of Ebay if you KNOW what you are getting, a seller whos skirting policy of the site, shouldnt be selling IMO anywhere because what else are they willing to skirt around to make a quid?

Proper pisses me off, people who jump on the band wagon to make a quick buck and don give a shit about following laws, regulation, and basic website policies.
Rule of thumb, only buy off of Ebay if you KNOW what you are getting, a seller whos skirting policy of the site, shouldnt be selling IMO anywhere because what else are they willing to skirt around to make a quid?

Proper pisses me off, people who jump on the band wagon to make a quick buck and don give a shit about following laws, regulation, and basic website policies.

Very true, who knows what they are using assuming it is what they say it is at all. Not saying its all doom and gloom for OP but beware of such sellers that's for sure and pick more wise where you get your juice from.
theres this stuff called diacetyl associated with certain vanilla flavourings... and it makes it even more important that you know what you are getting and where you are getting it and that it is diacetyl free...

Fly by over nighters dont take the time to research this stuff and just sell cheap to make money.
Well at £2.99 10ml its not that cheap for Hangsen, even with the possibility of it been some back street market-stall dodgy mix to just add insult to your purchase its over priced IMO. Slippery bastards!
I just had a look on ebay and found these juices were listed as 12 /18/24 mg and says seller is in Manchester. That is definitely against eBay policy so someone will report it or eBay will find it themselves and remove it. Also has the seller listed as sold thousands of items.

Sent by lazer from just north of the world's largest nuclear dustbin
I dont see what the big deal is here ? Is it the fact he is selling something against ebay rules ? Big deal we all have hell i even raffled 300 tickets on there. Ebay asked me nicely to not do it again they still let the tickets sell though.
As long as ebay still get there percentage of the sale they dont care what goes up.
As for selling ejuice is it against the rules and regulations ?
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