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Cheap Vanilla Custard e-juice

i`m with ben on this one LOL 2.99 for 10ml juice in the uk is pretty good,whats the average for PREMIUM juices £5 for 10ml
TBH thats one of my reasons for vaping is to save money LOL if vape premium all the time it`s gonna cost more than tobacco :S
as for the fuss about fleabay well you`re right you are taking chances but the same can be said for any retailer,i mean there is no laws or guidelines in place yet is there???
not that laws and guidelines mean much LOL look at all that horse meat bollocks LOL
i`m with ben on this one LOL 2.99 for 10ml juice in the uk is pretty good,whats the average for PREMIUM juices £5 for 10ml

Hangsen standard juice is not premium.

TBH thats one of my reasons for vaping is to save money LOL if vape premium all the time it`s gonna cost more than tobacco

My main reason is I don't want a premature death.

as for the fuss about fleabay well you`re right you are taking chances but the same can be said for any retailer,i mean there is no laws or guidelines in place yet is there???

Well, eBay certainly have their own rules.

not that laws and guidelines mean much LOL look at all that horse meat bollocks LOL

What? We are eating the horse's bollocks now as well?

That's it! I'm moving to France where they serve choicer cuts.
VCigStore sell a vanilla custard for £19 for 100ml 60/40 PG/VG.

Not tried it yet, but I have some on it's way, as do a few others, so expect to see some reviews popping up in the next week or so.
just to clear few things up LOL
i wasn`t saying hangsen was premium juice,when i say premium i refer to the more expensive british juices.
besides i mainly vape fasttech hangsen juice which would be considered even worse :P
when i say laws and guidelines i refer to what goes in the juices not what fleabay says is right or wrong LOL
and the horse meat crack,well i`m pretty sure horse was not mentioned in the list of ingredients on the affected products,point being you just never know until someone digs a little deeper :)
it`s kinda funny because i thought my post might kick the proverbial hornets nest but instead i rattle the wasps nest instead LOL
actually serious question what makes a premium juice premium??? i mean they use the same base ingredients pg/vg
You buy from J. Random Fly-by-night on ebay, it *might* work out for you, but the risk is considerably greater, and there are two areas of vape spending where it *really* doesn't make sense to cut corners: batteries and juice.

If you want cheap (and good) VC, you would be much better off learning to mix your own. It isn't rocket science.
Avoid Fleabay & go pro.... Myepack.co.uk are selling some flavours for the same price. If you have to pay shipping it's £1.95. I just bought 4 10ml bottles for £2.49 each. I paid £11.91 including postage. That is very competitive if you look around.
HEY, if you want to buy juice from Joe Blow in Manchester because hes selling cheap hangsen juice at over the odds prices, go for it. It's your lungs and your money after all, not mine or anyone elses.
Avoid Fleabay & go pro.... Myepack.co.uk are selling some flavours for the same price. If you have to pay shipping it's £1.95. I just bought 4 10ml bottles for £2.49 each. I paid £11.91 including postage. That is very competitive if you look around.
whats the difference between Myepack.co.uk and some fleabay seller or fasttech?? apart from the obvious price.(BTW i have nothing against british vendors :) )
fleabay sellers are probably selling fake juices,As said before if they are willing to skirt ebay rules what else are they willing to cut corners on?
Fasttech are certainly selling fake juices again who knows what conditions these juices are mixed in and what they have in them?
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