I dont see what the big deal is here ? Is it the fact he is selling something against ebay rules ? Big deal we all have hell i even raffled 300 tickets on there. Ebay asked me nicely to not do it again they still let the tickets sell though.
As long as ebay still get there percentage of the sale they dont care what goes up.
As for selling ejuice is it against the rules and regulations ?
So I'm a vendor, and I make my own liquids, and I sell other peoples liquids, so bear all that in mind.
Yes selling nicotine containing e-liquids on e-bay IS a problem because it circumvents their rules.
I spent a long time researching relevant laws and rules and regs etc when I first started my website. There are actually lots of them. EBay back then flat refused and quickly took down any items posted on ebay to do with ecigs. I wanted to open an ebay shop, there are squillions of people using ebay for all kinds of stuff all day every day and it's a a great way to get your name out there, or so I thought.
The thing is that the same rules are still in place now, however ebay are no longer actively removing things, they are re-actively removing things and you can list a ecig as an "eshisha" and get away with it. You can find e-liquids listed as shisha liquid mg that have nicotine in them, without explicitly saying so, you can probably even find liquids there now that explicity state they contain nicotine.
The problem is that most, if not all, ebay sellers work for no money. Once you take out the sellers fees and stock costs and postage costs and all the rest of it the profit margins on ebay are next to zero. That's fine if you're selling widgets out of your spare room, if you're selling things that can cause death or injury that's not so good. Lower margins mean sellers cut corners, they buy bulk eGos from someone who doesn't give a shit in China that don't have the advertised sized battery in them, or that are much more likely to vent or catch fire because of much cheaper parts. Or they get a job lot of e-liquid from somewhere in China that's been rushed out the door and isn't what they think it is and inadvertently they bottle up a load of high strength e-liquid and think it's lower strength.
Are ebay sellers operating on next to no profit going to have the time and inclination to actually test the liquids they get to make sure they know that what it says on the label is actually what is in the liquid? Do you think they even know how to do that test?
the problem is that sooner or later one of these cowboys is going to sell some liquid to someone, and tragically someone will die because of it, or god forbid, someones young child is going to die cos they drank e-liquid from a bottle that didn't have the proper childproof cap on it, or a poorly sighted eldery person is going to mistake a 10ml dropper bottle left in the bathroom by mistake for their eyedrops or... then the press is going to have a field day, thpoliticians will want "something must be done against unregulated ecigs" (which are in fact pretty well regulated, just not so well enforced yet) and we will end up with crap knee jerk laws that will take years to get overturned.
Following all the rules and regs and doing those tests, and sending your own liquids off for a GC-MS test, using reputable suppliers only, putting in place insurance, all of that takes time and costs money, and ultimately that cost gets added to the price of a bottle of e-liquid.
If you think that £10-12 or so is too much for 30ml of e-liquid then that's your perogative. Once the government add on taxes and bring in the new laws in a year or two the prices that are around now are going to look great.