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Er, has anyone mentioned @Ben fogstar yet, or possibly this bloke "Battery Mooch" that no one has ever heard of...
Also could someone please tell me why we are supposed to take battery safety advice from someone who just two days ago couldn't even spell "Wrap" let alone know what one was for, and now thinks that weight is the sole criterion for judging authenticity. If you want reliable battery data @banannajoe then take a look at this...
Mooch Battery Chart.jpg
Now, if you @banannajoe have started looking into staying safe, that is a good thing- we genuinely all was concerned the other day, and not trying to be nasty to you.

I would say though, forget the idea of a 'cheap' battery- good batteries, such as LG HE4's, can be had for under £4 a pop sometimes! Just think in terms of getting good brands that are genuine, at a good price. The batteries I see in those videos are ones I would never go near, I wouldn't even use them in my torch for safeties sake.

You mention you bought some batteries from Fogstar for your son? The Fogstar wrapped batteries have been individually tested, this is the reason for the price difference and re wrap, I usually buy the standard wrap from there though myself. As long as you stick to a store like that, you will be fine in regards to good quality batteries, just make sure they have a high enough CDR for your use.

What @Tubbyengineer posted is very good, take a look at that and also Mooch's tests as he advised for a given battery that interests you, he has tested many, many batteries and it has helped a lot of vapers out big time.
One very important area that always pops up on here is batteries. It's pointed out time and time again the importance of buying from reputable merchants and maintenance and care of your batteries. If the wrapping is scrapped replace wrap. If your battery looks damaged Dispose of it properly. Don't leave them sitting around or put them in your pocket without putting them in battery cases. If you need advice there are a lot of very knowledgeable and experienced Apes on here. Just ask.
So say a genuine battery costs £5 from a reputable outlet and a fake costs £2 from eBay or wherever. If they both last a year you're gonna save all of 25p a month!
Why f**k about talking about cheap batteries, it's a no-brainer.
the op of this thread needs changing and renaming, if there's a word you don't want associated with batteries, other than fire, it would be "cheap". buy cheap buy twice,(someone new's going to read it and there's going to be an accident)

the basics, stick to trusted names sony, samsung and lg, not re wraps, buy from a trusted seller, there is no 5000mah, 50 amp 18650s, the higher the mah, lower the amp, higher amp and lower mah , the middle ground being about 2500mah 20amp (give or take)
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Fecking hell! What is this dude on about... good batteries from Fogstar or Torchy or Mooch... most fakes are not faked by stuffing a smaller cell into a larger case (though have seen that done as well) £8 or so for a good cell off a reputable vendor where you know it does what it says is as cheap as you need... any cheaper is probably dangerous crap... one should never try to save just a couple of quid at the risk of ones face/hand/health/flaming fiery death by a pipebomb...
I always go for the cheap option in terms of long term cost that for me is Ben @fogstar. Reason why ?It is the cheapest in terms of lack of visits to A and E call out by fire service, redecorating the house….. You get the idea Apes
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