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Cleaning tube mech mods


Nov 17, 2016
Have recently cleaned a couple of tube mech which have a reverse locking switch, they look a lot better but when locking and unlocking them the button also unscrews a little making it protrude more, obviously after a few times it reaches a point where I have to disassemble the mod and tighten it up from the inside! Is there a way to sort this out, it was fine before cleaning, but obviously I understand cleaning is an important factor in mechs, maybe a gripping washer? Anyone else have this issue and/or a solution? Thanks in advance
Cheers @EmbraSewerRat.

Erm, to be totally honest my Panzer does the same thing. The only thing I found that reduces it is to completely strip the button assembly down and polish the crap out of the button using an abrasive polish such as Autosol and then lubricate it with something like Servisol Super 10.
After a wee google-fu, you can add a wee dot of loctite or other electrically conductive glue to the annoying bit. Not too much or you lose conductivity.

Search panzer mech mod switch and a few option come up, read, digest and go do what you have to.

So glad my mechs have more useful switches.
Thanks for that and for googling it etc, didn't even think of Google, I have too much faith in potv ;) will be having a search shortly and hopefully get some ideas for a remedy :)
Thanks for that and for googling it etc, didn't even think of Google, I have too much faith in potv ;) will be having a search shortly and hopefully get some ideas for a remedy :)

It's the wee things like this, the ones where you get intrigued and you have to know yourself, don't mind putting some work into.
I think i had a panzer a couple of years ago, but really disliked the switch.

Now, out of idle curiosity: what atty and what build do you have on it??
Now, out of idle curiosity: what atty and what build do you have on it??

I have the 26650 version with a zephyr Buddha, as for builds I'm kind of at an experimental stage as I'm quite new to building but am preferring simple twisted 26/28g kanthal, it's actually a really easy set up to build on as it's huge, the only problem I find is being so big I have to do more wraps, which with some wires slows the ramp up time a lot... I do like Claptons but I find over 7 or 8 wraps I've ran out of breath before I get a hit lol
A wee suggestion for you. Get some Brochrome or similar flattened Nichrome in 25 gauge and give that a go.....
If stealthvape don't have a wee shufty at the other wire company should have some.
Good stuff!
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