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May 2, 2013
ok, this should be simple enough but using google and the search function here i am getting alot of conflicting information and hoping for some clarity.

I recently started using the innoken iclear30 dual coil and a vivi nova, after 4 days i have already noticed a big dropoff in vaper production from both of these kits and new they were ready for a good clean, this is where it seems to fall down as even after a good clean performance just doesnt seem there so what is the best way to clean? the below is what i have gathered:

1, rinse in warm water
2, dry burn until coil glows red
3, rinse with water again
4, leave to dry for 24 hours

I personally just leave it in boiled water for an hour or so, i am assuming thats just not enough to get it properly clean? is the above the "proper" way to clean the coil? i see several mentioning soaking in vodka or milton, does that remove all the gunk enough?

Would like to prolong the life of these coils as much as possible especially he innoken as they aint cheap.
You need to dry burn the coil to remove any gunk that has built up, making the coil glow will burn it off, alternatively you could grap yourself some silica wick and kanthal wire and have a go at recoiling them
+1 for Dopey's advice about rebuilding. The novas are easy to build, the iclears I believe, area a bit more difficult.
To be honest before I moved to the eVod and rebuilding I used to just rinse, dry burn, rinse again when coil is cold and then dry the wicks with kitchen towel before filling up again. It would taste burnt for about a minute of constant vaping but then disappears and is ok. They are never quite as good as new though.
dry burning is a solution, however they will deteriorate and gunk up faster than from new.
it's a good idea to dry burn them before they get completely gunked up and not to let them glow for too long as the coil will snap.
if you ever get a 510 or 306 dripping attie, don't dry burn them as that will shorten their life span considerably.

letting dry fo one whole day only makes sense for cartos a the fillr takes long to dry, vivinova and evod head are good to go immediately, if you giv it a seond light dryburn to dry them. you can tell they are dry when they start glowing faintly.

ulstrasonic cleaner and milton work well too.
ok, this should be simple enough but using google and the search function here i am getting alot of conflicting information and hoping for some clarity.

I recently started using the innoken iclear30 dual coil and a vivi nova, after 4 days i have already noticed a big dropoff in vaper production from both of these kits and new they were ready for a good clean, this is where it seems to fall down as even after a good clean performance just doesnt seem there so what is the best way to clean? the below is what i have gathered:

1, rinse in warm water
2, dry burn until coil glows red
3, rinse with water again
4, leave to dry for 24 hours

I personally just leave it in boiled water for an hour or so, i am assuming thats just not enough to get it properly clean? is the above the "proper" way to clean the coil? i see several mentioning soaking in vodka or milton, does that remove all the gunk enough?

Would like to prolong the life of these coils as much as possible especially he innoken as they aint cheap.

Thank you - you've just explained why my juices taste like arse in my Vivi Novas because I did none of this.
What do I do with this bit?

Wash and air dry?

Well, thanks for the clarification i have just tried a dry burn on one of my "boxed" evods and it is definitely alot better than just rinsing in hot water (and so easy to rewick, had to as when the top came off the wick was itself basically just ash lol) i would go as far as saying its better than new.

I will keep the fact of diminished life in regards and definitely look into recoiling for the vivi atleast, all these steps seem so daunting until you try them for the 1st time, kind of sums up vaping altogether doesnt it?

My wife also has one of those ultrasonic jewelery cleaners, will give that a go on the iclear.
I dismantled everything, washed everything, dried everything and no longer have an awful metallic taste.

Happy bunny. :)
Sometimes if you have a very strong flavour such as grape,and you are looking to change to something completely different, I found the vodka soak overnight was a great way to get rid of the flavour, so I just dismantled the tank and dropped all the parts in.
In the morning I would rinse the parts in warm water then wipe and dab dry, with vaper towel, before rebuilding, ready for a nice new flavour.
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