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Cleartomizer issue?


Feb 8, 2014

New vaper here. Recently purchased a ego v6 with 2 v6 (ce6) cleartomizers and a vivi nova.

Having tried a ce6 and one of the vivis out, I decided to clean them but dismantling and washing etc.

Having waited for them to dry, I then rebuilt them, but when trying to refit them onto the battery they don't tighten up, they just spin in place. Strange because before I cleaned them they fit just fine.

Any insights would be helpful:)
From what I can tell, it appears to be some kind of issue with the pin that goes into the bottom of the cleartomizer, where it meets the battery.
Not really having the best of luck with my vaper. Had it all of 3-4 days, had one clearto doa and two others fail within days. ..
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