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Cloupor mini... wrap wanted

Subscribed too....stunning little device but does scratch easy. Any news on the Alibaba front. Group buy perhaps?
Hello. Ive ordered my own vinyl cutter gonna attempt and do my own wraps for box mods will let you know how i get on haha

This is exactly what the world needs, someone willing and able to do custom made wraps, I have looked at the stuff on offer and thought meh but if someone is able to offer something with my own design that would be worth paying for.
This is exactly what the world needs, someone willing and able to do custom made wraps, I have looked at the stuff on offer and thought meh but if someone is able to offer something with my own design that would be worth paying for.

I no yeah its just the printed side of wrapping im abit wiery about in case it fades however im gonna plan on getting all different types of wrap but do them cheaper than everywhere haha
I no yeah its just the printed side of wrapping im abit wiery about in case it fades however im gonna plan on getting all different types of wrap but do them cheaper than everywhere haha

It certainly worth looking into tho, even getting a 3rd party who is able to print if you can't and see if it is still cost effective,

I have white & clear vinyl that I was going to use for stickers and it is laser printable so stuff exists and it has worked well for car stickers etc.
Yeah i looked into doing it on my inkjet printer because apparently laser jet printer melt the wimyl or something ill definitely look into stuff because people out there someher want to personalise there mods
The problem I found with the inkjet stuff is it took a few days to dry and potentially needs to be sealed to keep the ink on it
eBay search for "laser printable vinyl" will show you the options available
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