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Coil Build for a Velocity RDA clone and iStick 40w


Sep 20, 2015
Hello everyone!

I've decided to give dripping a go and after doing some research have ordered a Velocity Clone. With the torrent of information available here and on the Internet as a whole I'm afraid to say I've become a bit lost :(

I'm trying to read up on battery safety at the moment and am wondering if anyone could advise the best starter coil build I can try once I receive my Velocity and Coil Master V2 kit. For example: I'm not really interested in big clouds of vape but would like more flavour. What size coil would you recommend for that? Also, is there a particular Kanthal wire size (I'm not sure if that's the correct term for it) that you would recommend I start with? And is there a particular resistance you would recommend I build? I will be using my iStick 40w for this.

I hope I'm making sense, I think I've overloaded myself with information at the moment. Any help you guys and girls could provide would be great.
silken I have two 26awg/0.4mm coils, nine wraps around 3mm = 0.63ish. Airflow slightly open on the slot and using the 510 drip tip adaptor - 30-35w, great flavour. Maybe make it ten wraps and run it at a bit less power?
Battery safety isnt as scary as you might think. Its more when you get to the batteries limits such as when they are low or if you are running a really low resistance build such as a 0.1 for example. Your device wont let you fire that low so you will be safe in that sense.

If you want a nice balance, as mentioned 26 gauge kanthal is nice to work with. Its not too springy so it should be easy to wrap with. All you need to remember is use a coil wrapping guide such as Coil wrapping | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators to figure out how many wraps etc.

1. After you have built and fitted your coil, check it on an ohms reader to make sure its within the limits of the battery or device. You have a regulated box so you can use that for checking resistance. A few people I knowuse that but it may not always be accurate but the kit v2 from memory comes with one so I would use that.

2. Throw the dripper on your device and fire for a few bursts/pulse to see how the coil(s) glow. Pinch them gently if they are a little spaced after firing and then fire again. If they glow from the inside out, step 3.

3. Wick it and juice.
Battery safety isnt as scary as you might think. Its more when you get to the batteries limits such as when they are low or if you are running a really low resistance build such as a 0.1 for example. Your device wont let you fire that low so you will be safe in that sense.

If you want a nice balance, as mentioned 26 gauge kanthal is nice to work with. Its not too springy so it should be easy to wrap with. All you need to remember is use a coil wrapping guide such as Coil wrapping | Steam Engine | free vaping calculators to figure out how many wraps etc.

1. After you have built and fitted your coil, check it on an ohms reader to make sure its within the limits of the battery or device. You have a regulated box so you can use that for checking resistance. A few people I knowuse that but it may not always be accurate but the kit v2 from memory comes with one so I would use that.

2. Throw the dripper on your device and fire for a few bursts/pulse to see how the coil(s) glow. Pinch them gently if they are a little spaced after firing and then fire again. If they glow from the inside out, step 3.

3. Wick it and juice.

Thank for this advice! Just ordering up my Kanthal now. I notice Stealthvape have both Kanthal A1 type ribbon resistance wire reels and standard Kanthal A1 type wire. I'm assuming it's the latter I am best off with?
Thank for this advice! Just ordering up my Kanthal now. I notice Stealthvape have both Kanthal A1 type ribbon resistance wire reels and standard Kanthal A1 type wire. I'm assuming it's the latter I am best off with?

Aye, go standard - don't go faffing with ribbon just yet!

Gave my 'spare' Velocity to a chap at work last week, he has the same kit, 50W iStick, so I put the already mentioned 0.4mm, 6/7 wraps around a 2.5mm bit/thingy in it for him and all is lovely.:D
Aye, go standard - don't go faffing with ribbon just yet!

Gave my 'spare' Velocity to a chap at work last week, he has the same kit, 50W iStick, so I put the already mentioned 0.4mm, 6/7 wraps around a 2.5mm bit/thingy in it for him and all is lovely.:D

Finally built a coil and got the wicking done. I've noticed it spits a fair bit with airflow open and gets really hot closed. Have you experienced this at all?
Finally built a coil and got the wicking done. I've noticed it spits a fair bit with airflow open and gets really hot closed. Have you experienced this at all?

Post a pic of the build!!!
And tell us what wire you used and how many wraps etc.

I rarely get spit back from the Velocity, but with a say 0.5mm wire build aye the atty can get a bit hot.
Finally built a coil and got the wicking done. I've noticed it spits a fair bit with airflow open and gets really hot closed. Have you experienced this at all?
I'm using this exact build atm but i spaced the coils no spitting only gets slightly warm even with airflow nearly closed a pic would definitely help.
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