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Coil change OBS Engine 2


New Member
Feb 1, 2019
Hi guys I’m new to this vaping but I got started with an OBS Engine 2 I was curious one which coils I will need to replace the existing ones and any good recommendations.
Hi guys I’m new to this vaping but I got started with an OBS Engine 2 I was curious one which coils I will need to replace the existing ones and any good recommendations.
You'll probably need to make sure it unscrews first bud.
Mine was faulty.
As for coils it depends what resistance you want and wether you want wire or premades.
Hi and welcome btw.
Yeah it unscrews but I literally know nothing about what coils I need so I just want to know what exact product I need to buy.
If you're running some claptons, just giving them a dry burn would probably be enough to freshern them up, same for many coils, they'll gunk up and giving them a dry burn and scrape(even a suitable sized screw driver works) will usually give them further runtime/life. I usually get 3(maybe 4) days use before i'm dry burning my coils to de-gunk them.

Should you really be using a tank and building if you have no idea what it is you want or what your doing?

You don’t work for the daily mail do you?
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