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Coil or sleeve?


Feb 22, 2014
Hi everyone!

I'm almost at a month of vaping..or is it a month today, actually? I think it is! Ha! Anyway, I started with a Kanger EVOD and for my monthversary I got a Kanger Protank Mini 2 with an EVOD VV battery, love it, but I've noticed on my EVOD that I'm not getting as good and clear a draw as before, I've just switched to a new battery and it's still not as good as it is on the PTM, wondering if I need to change coils again...been using this one about a week maybe, if that? I don't recognise any of the other issues I had when I changed the coil last time, just an annoyance, but I have spares for this exact reason.

I thought that since I was using a different sleeve (basically the "spare" that came with the starter kit) that maybe the airholes were blocked?...so I've now put on the old sleeve and it's still not drawing that well...I dry burnt the wick/coil and I don't think it's the coil dying, but I could be wrong...is there something I'm missing?

Thanks guys!

I used to find with evods the air holes would become a little clogged up with just general grease from your fingers. Just need to remove the evod from the battery and put a pin in the air holes and wiggle it about to clear any crap out. Used to work for me.
I used to find with evods the air holes would become a little clogged up with just general grease from your fingers. Just need to remove the evod from the battery and put a pin in the air holes and wiggle it about to clear any crap out. Used to work for me.

Thanks, will try this in future as well :D
So, I ended up having to change the coil anyway, I cleared the airholes on both sleeves and still couldn't get it to draw consistently. I only changed the coil last week, but maybe I just had a duff one, but new coil and it's all fine, will just have to remember to get some more when I do my next big order...thanks for the advice guys :D
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