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Coil Woes


Aug 9, 2015
Howdy folks.

I'm wondering if someone can help. I have been having some issues of late building a twisted dual coil setup on a 3 post RDA.

I have previously had a dual coil set up with standard coils without issue.

I am twisting my own wire using 28 gauge Kanhtal. When I test fire one heats up way quicker than the other but does start to glow. Once it is wicked it barely heats up at all.

I am relatively new to building my own coils and this is the first I have run into any issues. I can see that both coils have a connection with the centre post and I have checked that the other connections are secure. I have attempted a similar build on a RDA with 4 terminals and had no issues so I am guessing it is something to do with 2 coils sharing the centre post.
Hmmm strange one.

Did you twist the wire for the two coils separately? It could be that you've got one twisted more than the other if you did. I prefer to twist enough wire to make both the coils so you know they're both twisted the same.

With a three post atty you could also try doing it as a sleeper coil. Basically you don't cut the wire for the centre post, wrap one coil, fit it with the long wire through the centre post and wrap the other coil while it's attached to the atty. Can be a bit tricky but it eliminates one connection.

Other than that, and I'm sure you've checked, but are you sure you have the same amount of wraps each side. The other thing that can cause a mismatch in the coils is if you didn't wrap them both as tight as each other on the former you used to wrap them on. I wouldn't have thought it be the connection if they are all feeling tight and you're getting no movement in them, I suppose you could have a dirty connection on one of them though.

Let us know what you find.
Even stranger then! You could have some dirt trapped on one of the negative terminals, I wouldn't think it would be the centre post as that would affect both coils.

I didn't think of that - I will strip it out and give it a good clean and see if that changes anything.

Coils removed and dripper cleaned out. One of the coils wasn't quite as neat as the other and there was a slight overlap as well as the spacing between wraps being ever so slightly wider.

I sorted the overlap and tidied things up a little and both are now firing well. I even managed to centre them a little better :)
I'm not sure how quick the coil was glowing, compared to the other one obviously, but just as a little tip for next time..

If it literally a case of milliseconds, just giving the faster coil a little squeeze will delay it, until they both glow evenly.
I'm not sure how quick the coil was glowing, compared to the other one obviously, but just as a little tip for next time..

If it literally a case of milliseconds, just giving the faster coil a little squeeze will delay it, until they both glow evenly.

It was a very obvious delay but it's all better now. I will have a play again in the near future on another unit for some practice :)
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