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Coils and What Juice?

I gave up on my first try at rebuildables, a mixture of my fault and I didn't like the rta. I gave it another go and am pleased I did, I'm certainly no expert but at least I am no longer surprised when it all works after a rebuild. This morning I replacing the build in my 3 rtas and made another set of coils for them, with no interruptions it took me about 40 mins.
I checked out Youtube and I like the Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA MTL
Looks like a no nonsense rebuildable should be.
Similar to rebuildables I tried before.
I checked out Youtube and I like the Hellvape Dead Rabbit RTA MTL
Looks like a no nonsense rebuildable should be.
Similar to rebuildables I tried before.
It’s fantastic that you want to get a rta! And I am not trying to coerce you into buying something you don’t want. But there are better mtl rtas available out there.

There are different designs, and it’s generally accepted these days that you’ll get the best flavor from the airflow restriction being directly under or beside the coil. The Hellvape is a bit old fashioned using an airflow ring to restrict the airflow, instead of airflow pins from the bottom or sides.

Others are welcome to correct me, but the general consensus around here is that the Aspire Neeko is your best bet, or there’s a lot to be said for the BP Mods Sure because it’s easy to build. Both are pretty reasonably priced. Then there’s a plethora of clones out there that may suit your needs better. Just my opinion, trying to help…

But by all means, buy what you feel you’ll like, the Hellvape is cheap and can be a stepping stone on your journey :2thumbsup:
I began rebuilding because certain juices would kill my stock coils too quickly or every now and again, I would get dud coils (this was 5 odd years ago, coils were a lot more inconsistent) and I have never looked back.

It took me a long time to find my ideal tanks but I've got there and I am glad I don't have to rely on stock coils because it can really add up if you're replacing them constantly. A reel of wire and a bag of cotton last ages and will make a lot of coils for a rebuildable for a fraction of the price of your average pack of stock coils.

Things you need to pay attention with juices especially if you're using them in stock coils are:

- PG/VG ratio, if the juice if too thick, your coil won't saturate properly and will just gunk up/burn, too thin and it will just leak constantly.
- Additives, if your using a juice that is heavy on cooling (fruit on ice flavours etc) or uses a lot of sweeteners (dessert and candy flavours etc), the higher the concentration of additives like this are in your juice, the more likely it will gunk up and kill your coil pretty quickly.

There is probably more but those are the important ones that come to mind, what are you using at the moment? What's your device/devices of choice and what juices are you getting? :)
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I havnt got the answer to this just going on expirience.
I think that a lot of the problems with coils are not coil problems at all.
The problem is with what juice u are using.
Seems to me that Juice Vendors want to offer us a mass of different Juices
with no concern to anyone as to how well the Juice burns or is absorbed by the coils.
Like I said I havnt got the answer here just putting forward the augument.
After many trials I found a Juice from my own Vendor that doesnt cause any problems,
Anyone else found this to be true?

Often a trade off.
Some juices are so good, but you KNOW they will kill your coils - the answer learn to rebuild your own coils.
The main thing is that you are going to try. I got stressed at the start and put it away but always went back to try again. I even take my little pack of tools, with me on holiday. Couple of minutes coil built and hardly cost anything. Good luck.
Your concern is true to some extent! Not all vendors are genuine and consider all the factors while putting the liquid. But a reputable brand will always consider these facts.
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