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Conspiracy nut David Icke booted OFF FB & YT over Coronavirus claims


Staff member
Jun 24, 2017
BBC News - Coronavirus: David Icke's channel deleted by YouTube

Given the boot for allegedly posting untrue and misleading information about coronavirus' existence and transmission.

Should he be banned or should he have the freedom to express his own opinions to those who want to hear it? :hmm:
That is a whole can of fucking worms there like! I struggle with this I really do as part of me is all about freedom of speech and that no one should be censored and be able to say what they want, however, I don't know if people should be able to spread utter bullshit that will end up with people becoming sick and losing their lives. Another however, maybe we should let Darwinism do it's job and if these people listen and end up dying maybe it's their fault for being stupid as fuck and natural selection is removing them from the gene pool. With that though, they could end up infecting other people and those people shouldn't have to suffer because someone is a fuckwit. Argh, if I can't even agree with myself then how will anyone? Is it just me that has this massive internal debate??
The service and platform belongs to them, and he's repeatedly broken their published rules after being warned, so why not. If he wants to continue spouting whatever drivel he's spouting, he'll have to fund his own platform to reach the rest of the nutters out there.

I personally think freedom of speech is a myth nowadays, and is only getting worse. We each have our own built in freedom to choose what we read, watch or listen to. Don't like it, don't continue doing it, but I wish folk would stop dictating what others should follow, believe, like or express. There are plenty of fruit loops and arseholes out there, as are an increasing number of sanctimonious snowflakes telling people how to conduct themselves.

Take this forum for example. Read and understand their rules, don't like, agree or repeatedly break them, then fek off or get booted, seemples. Then again, some complainers should learn to scroll past shit instead becoming embroiled and constantly offended. But that's only my opinion.

Maybe I was brought up wrong, but surely it's a parents job to instill values during childhood, not society or social media in adulthood? I think my parents did a reasonable job, but I'm still a cunt [emoji106]
That is a whole can of fucking worms there like! I struggle with this I really do as part of me is all about freedom of speech and that no one should be censored and be able to say what they want, however, I don't know if people should be able to spread utter bullshit that will end up with people becoming sick and losing their lives. Another however, maybe we should let Darwinism do it's job and if these people listen and end up dying maybe it's their fault for being stupid as fuck and natural selection is removing them from the gene pool. With that though, they could end up infecting other people and those people shouldn't have to suffer because someone is a fuckwit. Argh, if I can't even agree with myself then how will anyone? Is it just me that has this massive internal debate??
That's pretty much where I am. Except I get that Youtube and FB are, in effect, businesses and therefore can decide who and what they want and don't want on their sites. Still struggling with it though.
I for one don't use facebook, or as I call it, arsebook.
My wife, and daughter do, and that is up to them, it's their choice if they wish.

I like to look at all views on things, be they from the papers, TV, internet sites, friends, and people I bump into, to gain a balance that helps me to form my own opinion.

I appreciate that arsebook, google, youtube, and many more, are big businesses, and need to make profits, but they promote freedom of speech etc, and should not take down content, or ban people for expressing their views. In some ways I would also say that POTV at times does the same.

The mainstay of our countries democracy is freedom of speech, hence we have parliament, and also "speakers corner" in London.

If you take it to the extreme, it is mind control, the very thing that the vast majority of us complain about in countries such as Russia, China, Korea, and many other countries.
Icke being banned now seems a bit weird to me.
He has covered some very contentious issues in the past, from 9/11 and Princess Diana to Saville and the Westminister pedo ring, all of which I would imagine have broken youtubes own rules for years but this is the thing that they ban him for?
He’ll find somewhere else to peddle his nonsense and capitalise on the ban by claiming the lizards are trying to silence him.

But as for freedom of speech, i think it’s irrelevant.
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No simple answer for me really. Like others have said I am really conflicted over this. Of course Icke is a total spanner and I'm amazed people still listen to him. But where do you draw the line with actually trying to silence people.
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