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Conspiracy nut David Icke booted OFF FB & YT over Coronavirus claims

Icke being banned now seems a bit weird to me.
He has covered some very contentious issues in the past, from 9/11 and Princess Diana to Saville and the Westminister pedo ring, all of which I would imagine have broken youtubes own rules for years but this is the thing that they ban him for?
Maybe they are coming under pressure from states because this could actually cause some serious bother at this point in time. Already people are attacking engineers and burning masts.

Whereas the blood drinking pedo lizards, 9/11, diana, mind control nazi conspiracies are largely harmless madness.

I don’t know. But i don’t really care either. Nobody is preventing him from speaking as far as i can see.
Nobody is restricting his right to freedom of speech. However he doesn't have the same right to a platform for his views, that he has to find himself. Nobody is forced to give him one. Especially for free.

ironic really. The UK has press that hasn't uttered one word of political truth, in over 25 years. Yet nobody bats an eye. A swivel eyed crank losing a platform and everyone's up in arms.
Nobody is restricting his right to freedom of speech. However he doesn't have the same right to a platform for his views, that he has to find himself. Nobody is forced to give him one. Especially for free.

ironic really. The UK has press that hasn't uttered one word of political truth, in over 25 years. Yet nobody bats an eye. A swivel eyed crank losing a platform and everyone's up in arms.

It’s funny eh? We are bombarded with propaganda. All this criticism of trump, yet it seems the rest of the world is looking at us with bewilderment and we are oblivious.
FaceZuck and YouTube - hypocrites.
David Icke - person with mental health problems spouting nonsense.
knome uses YouTube daily for its awesome content - a hypocrite.
knome doesn't use FaceFuck because he prefers to be semi-anonymous - whatever, what a twat.
No simple answer for me really. Like others have said I am really conflicted over this. Of course Icke is a total spanner and I'm amazed people still listen to him. But where do you draw the line with actually trying to silence people.
Just where I am. It feels a bit 'thin end of the wedge'.
I think i've heard that new powers limiting 'fake' news about Covid-19 have come into place.Along the lines of ''My nextdoor neighbours cousins sisters uncles wife said that urinating on one leg prevents catching it...''
Maybe Icke fell into this.
The provision, not the urine.
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I think i've heard that new powers limiting 'fake' news about Covid-19 have come into place.Along the lines of ''My nextdoor neighbours cousins sisters uncles wife said that urinating on one leg prevents catching it...''
Maybe Icke fell into this.
Ah ............. but where did you hear that from? :D
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