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Constant Burnt Taste. No Matter What..

I have the exact same thing with Squid Ink. I used it for about a week and it tasted amazing. Then I got the burnt taste...

Changed coils with genuine replacements in my EVODs, cleaned everything, bought a mini protank2, used different resistance coils.... same burnt taste. I just can't get my head round it so I've stopped using it now, which is a shame.

I'm only using a small EVOD battery as well so I can only see it being wicking problems, but I've tried new heads, with and without the flavour wicks and it's just the same.

I'm going to leave it now until I get to the point where I am recoiling myself and will try a cotton wick.
it's a wicking problem.

Not enough juice s getting to the coil, and a a result the juice is getting too hot and burning. If you're at ~1.9ohms on 4v then the settings aren't too high
(you have set your vamo to RMS mode haven't you? hold down the - button for about 20 secs until the screen says RMS)

If you're chain vaping, then the tank can't keep up. You can also try removing the flavour wick that's in the PT heads, that can help increase juice flow to the coils too, though it can also lead to flooding.

Also try taking longer slower draws than you are at the moment.
maybe juice i had same problem for weeks on end, i had a evod tank and i bought a vivi nova...the nova actually taste worst mega burning plastic taste, i tried everything new wicks, new coils etc....once i changed liquid it solved it...well nearly. the nova still taste like crap and im out of coils on the evod just ran out 5 mins ago... so im back on nova...i dry burnt it before i used it and it seems not to bad at the moment...still taste horrible but nowhere near as bad as it was
well i use 2.4ohm evod bcc at 4v with burnt taste? and on my vivi nova also 2.4ohm at 4.6v no burnt taste? weird i want to be able to vape higher then 4v with 2.4ohm how can i go about this?
mrmattlaw so you have that taste also with squid ink, that's ironic actually. As a few posts back I mentioned putting in a brand new coil and it was ok and now it taste burnt again. Either we both have the same issue with clearos or we both have a similar taste from the juice. Not going to say it's the juice at all but perhaps it's a flavour that comes out when it's steeping. I've had the bottle about 2 weeks now so maybe it's that? I notice if I leave it a few hours it taste great again. Who knows.
VaperCaper thanks for the tip. I do indeed have the Vamo in RMS. It was one of the first things I did when I received it. Yeah my my concern is leaking so I've avoided removing a wick but I will give it a test. Don't really chain vape per se. I leave it half hour and have a few hits and rinse and repeat. Occasionally I chain it off but that was before it tasted funny. Again thanks for the tips. I'll put this into practice.
i also have it and i have the same evod bcc as you i have the burnt taste at 4volt AND the leaking like you but how did u fix both of these?
MrTonsofVape I can't say I've cured the burning taste. I'm not sure if it's an issue with the coils or the taste if the juice. But take note of the advice above. What juice you using? As for the leaking I was informed to take slower and less harsh draws as it is possible to flood the coil in the EVOD. It was actually my missus who was having this issue. All BCC clearos can suffer leaking I think it's the nature of the beast when it comes to these. I'll post up a video I was sent from Ash over at myepack it helped my girlfriend.

i use 50/50 juices but tried 100%pg and it still happend so its not that but taking really slow drags like the video worked for you? i will try this and comment back..but has it worked for u and ur gf? im wondering if im taking to hard of puff but im not drawing hard i never have but ill try and take even less harsh and see
The video explains more then just how to draw it also says about keeping it topped up etc. I've also read online that when the tank falls below 1/3 the pressure can cause the juice to leak though the coil. You can equalise this by undoing the tank as if to fill it and then do it back up again. So far it has worked for me and my gf yes. I do get the occasional gurgle but what I do is tip it upside down and do a 3 second burst with my battery and the coil drys out because it can not wick any more juice. So far so good
mines tasting burnt again now lol i just changed the coil and it taste like crap, same liquid, same ohm coil, same watts... just taste mega burnt and it isnt going away
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