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Coronavirus in other countries

CNN said some statisticians estimate his rallies caused 30,000 new cases. (Actually seems low considering over 100,000 cases a day)

Possibly not so low when you consider how many new cases the 30,000 people will have caused by passing the virus on to others after the rally :hmm:
USA stats are frightening.


If only 0.5% of those currently infected people die, that’s around 22,000 more deaths to come.

Currently there are around 1,000 people dying of Covid every day. Sobering stuff.

2,015 Americans died in the last 24 hrs. And thanks to jizTRUMPet the projections for the coming months are far worse. If he had his way there would be nearly 6000 deaths a day by mid February. That's what 72 million Americans voted for.

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That's only double the UK but they're 5 times the size.
In comparison they're not doing that bad.
500 deaths here - 2000 over there. That's quadruple the fatalities. They're doing plenty bad and could be on course for several thousand deaths a day by mid February without serious interventions.
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