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I don’t believe he’s got a feckin clue what he’s doing. I think he’s reached such an extreme level of narcissism that he’s lost all contact with reality :5:

have you seen the peter sellers film being there?
I don’t believe he’s got a feckin clue what he’s doing. I think he’s reached such an extreme level of narcissism that he’s lost all contact with reality :5:
I think u r half right, its like half narcissism, half sociopathic...with a dash of megelo mania mixed in
do you have a lighter?

Several, including a Zippo.
But if you are thinking, what I think you are thinking, then bugger off, and buy your own flag to set fire to. :18:
Maybe one of them blue ones with the white cross on would do you. :18:

Shit, out of stock.
Mind you hell of a discount they're giving.

Funny the big discounts you can get when something is out of stock.
Donkeys years ago a mate of mine worked in a car scrapyard.
A guy came in one day, and asked "you got a starter motor for a Mondeo ?"
My mate said "yeah £30"
The guy said "they are only £20 at S******* yard"
My mate said "why don't you get one over there then"
Guy say's "they ain't got any at the moment"
My mate say's "well ours are only £15 when we ain't fucking got any" :18:
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