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Cotton bacon burning thru


Oct 2, 2015
Hi guys. Just thought I'd stick a quick post on. Have been wicking with cotton bacon v2 a bit recently and an loving how easy it is to work with, but I have found that when I go to rewick, the used cotton that I pull out seems to break right in the middle instead of coming out in one piece. Never had this issue using muji so not sure if this is just a normal thing with the bacon? Not vaping at high wattage at all. Usually around 13w with 1.4 ohms kanthal coil. Not had a sniff of a dry hit at all whilst vaping it but just thought it was a bit funny how it seems to do this every time. Anybody got any ideas? Is this normal? As I said, with muji it all pulls out in one go.
I get this as well. No issue for me. I have found that cotton bacon taste wise is fine on fresh wick but in the mor img it tastes drier. Found that fibre freaks plain or blend both taste better on second day as well. The most important thing is that the wick does not come apart when being used.
Hi guys. Just thought I'd stick a quick post on. Have been wicking with cotton bacon v2 a bit recently and an loving how easy it is to work with, but I have found that when I go to rewick, the used cotton that I pull out seems to break right in the middle instead of coming out in one piece. Never had this issue using muji so not sure if this is just a normal thing with the bacon? Not vaping at high wattage at all. Usually around 13w with 1.4 ohms kanthal coil. Not had a sniff of a dry hit at all whilst vaping it but just thought it was a bit funny how it seems to do this every time. Anybody got any ideas? Is this normal? As I said, with muji it all pulls out in one go.
I've heard that cotton bacon swells up quite a bit after a while. Could it be that you have a little too much in there, that it is getting choked and not allowing enough juice to the centre of the wick leading to it getting burnt? Just a guess.
I don't tend to put a great deal in there. It moves back and forth freely when I out it thru the coil. A bit of resistance but not too much. I change it over after a week and maybe go thru about 5 or 6 tanks in between changes so it's not getting over used. Just tend to switch flavours so rewick
I have this too, but I change mine very frequently so it's never been an issue.

At the other end of the scale, Kendo Gold outlasts my coils.
I've noticed this a lot more with CB v2 of late. Wasn't sure if it over sweetened yank juice, or the fact that I've just switched to nichrome. It does seems delicate, even compared to bog standard muji.
Guys. If you can tell me how the wick moves while being vaped or CB is breaking while being vaped, not sure what the issue is.
It'll be the inner diameter of the coil, with 2.5mm ID coils it got this on a mech. Never had it at 3mm, could be a good way to see?
Guys. If you can tell me how the wick moves while being vaped or CB is breaking while being vaped, not sure what the issue is.

It's probably too thin. I don't subscribe to the "less is more" school and use a tyre lever to get my cotton in.
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