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Cotton carpet


Jan 13, 2014
Just a little question,,
Regarding using drippers really BUT,

Should you leave a base "carpet" of cotton?
As well as the normal cotton through the wicks is it useful to leave a carpet of cotton on the bottom of the base as well?

Sent from my HTC One mini using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
I never do I just pop it through the coils and just leave a bit on the deck to mop it up.

Sent from my D2303 using Planet of the Vapes mobile app
As I understand it that is likely to mute the flavour and reduce the vapour. Airflow around the coil is key to both.
Ive ran a few builds with just a Cotton deck, obviously enough to be surrounding the coil but not smother and sufficate it. Produced really really nice clouds too ;)
No. Pointless. Cotton is only there to transfer juice from juice well to coil. To make a carpet would be a waste of juice, pointless and wasteful

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