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Couple of concentrate questions


Jun 17, 2015
Hey all,

So I've been mixing for a few weeks and really enjoying it. Started out with some Perfumers Apprentice and then got some 1 on 1's and some Tasty Puff. TPA was OK, mostly a bit chemically though, 1o1 has been really good and Tasty Puff is interesting, not sure I like the Tasty Puff flavors I have as they seem very thin (can't describe it) but they are nice.

The one concentrate that keeps coming up in recipes in the mega thread is TFA which I understand is a division of TPA.. Is it much better?

Sorry rambling. Questions..

Where do you guys buy your TFA flavours? I've found a couple of sites but haven't heard of either mentioned before..

General question that's probably been asked before but things change.. What are your favorite all round concentrate brands?
TFA/TPA are the same brand. They renamed themselves, but I can never remember which one was first and which one was the new name.

I generally buy my TPA concentrates from Vapable. I used to always get them from Chefs Vapour, but I find they usually always had at least one out of stock. Vapable are also a little bit cheaper, about 20p a bottle (used to be 40p a bottle cheaper but they put their prices up). Doesn't sound much, but it becomes a few quid when you place a big order.

As for preferred brand, I mainly use Capella or TPA, but I do have the odd FlavourArt concentrate knocking around, as well as Mom and Pops, Inawera and Flavor West. Have just recently bought some SolubArome concentrates as well. I've mixed them up but letting them steep so can't really say whether they are any good or not at the moment.
TFA/TPA are the same brand. They renamed themselves, but I can never remember which one was first and which one was the new name.

I generally buy my TPA concentrates from Vapable. I used to always get them from Chefs Vapour, but I find they usually always had at least one out of stock. Vapable are also a little bit cheaper, about 20p a bottle (used to be 40p a bottle cheaper but they put their prices up). Doesn't sound much, but it becomes a few quid when you place a big order.

As for preferred brand, I mainly use Capella or TPA, but I do have the odd FlavourArt concentrate knocking around, as well as Mom and Pops, Inawera and Flavor West. Have just recently bought some SolubArome concentrates as well. I've mixed them up but letting them steep so can't really say whether they are any good or not at the moment.

Would be interested to hear what you think of the Solubarome concentrates after steeping. I use them, as well as the other "usual suspects", and like them myself, so much that nothing gets time to steep :D

I guess I'm confused about the TPA / TFA thing as on the TPA website it almost lists TFA as a better option. Also seen them as TFA for £3 on one site and TPA for £2 on another. I'm not against spending a bit more for a better flavor!

Have only tried one for Capella, Lemon and Lime for the Mrs.. Neither of us liked it, it was like inhaling mace at just 5% lol..
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