Yeah, so:
1. On the Materials tab, click "Create New" - the + icon under the available materials list
2. Click "Actions" at the bottom left of the graph, and select "temperature coefficient of resistance (approximation)"
3. Enter TCR in units of /K - for Crazy wire NiFe48, this is 0.0034
4. Rename the wire and you're done
Can anyone give me any pointers where I'm going wrong please?
I've added the crazy wire TCRs on my DNA75
I input Nife52 as a TCR of 0.0031
Maybe I was out by a factor of 10, try a TCR of 0.0310
Edit: No, it seems 0.0310 is not allowed in Escribe. Can you post a pic of the TFR graph in the materials tab?
It should have the points: (68, 1.000) and (800, 2.261)
If that's not working I'd contact the supplier, because it should work if the TCR is correct.
Is the resistance of the build as expected? What resistance, guage, ID and number of wraps have you got?
View attachment 101006
6 wraps, 3.0mm ID of 0.23mm wire should work out 0.64Ω. ish. I've got 0.6Ω that's close enough for me. it's all a bit of guesswork anyway:
according to stream-engine, a coil of .23mm wire with this set up is 63mm of wire and that would then calculate to .6363Ω
(10.1 Ω/m ÷ 1000mm x 63mm)
Maybe I'm making a wrong assumption here anyway..... is 100°C about right for nife type wire? I'm just used to go up to 200° for SS316
All seems ok to me.
Nope, around 200C for all wires (incidentally, how did you insert the degree symbol in your post?). I'm usually in the 200-240C range regardless of wire type.
No idea what's going on here. Assuming the advertised TCR is correct, it should be working fine as far as I can see.
Can anyone give me any pointers where I'm going wrong please?
I've added the crazy wire TCRs on my DNA75
I input Nife52 as a TCR of 0.0031
(if it helps the .csv file gives these values:
"Temperature (degF)","Electrical Resistivity"
I'm using it with this profile set up
View attachment 100994
In fact, I've tried several, this is just an example
the temperature won't go above 100C (but certainly feels a lot hotter than that)
once it's around the the 100, the dispay tells me (Ohms too high)
the resistance is stable at 0.6ohms when cold
Where. oh where, am I going wrong?
I'm sure this is simple stupidity and easily fixed.
this might help, might not....the coil glows red hot at 130C. is that normal for this material?
thanks folks
yep, you're spot on there andy. the TCRs for these 2 wires got swapped over somewhere.Crazy wire NiFe 52 TCR 0.0034 the NiFe 48 is 0.0031 which one do you have?
wondering if crazy wire got them mixed up to...the NiFe70 is listed as 0.0050, sounds like that figure might work for you!!!! NOT that I am recommending trying it...more accurate info needed about these wires it seems!!yep, you're spot on there andy. the TCRs for these 2 wires got swapped over somewhere.
nife 52 is 0.0034
Ive put that figure in and now it won't go above 80°C. PMSL