This is so odd.
I suppose you can ignore the advertised TCR and try to tune it by trial and error. Thinking about it, if it's overheating, then it might be that the TCR is set too high (a similar thing happens if you try to use SS with Ti TCR settings, for example).
Try setting the TCR lower. 0.0025, 0.0020, 0.0015 etc
If the TCRs are much lower than advertised, that's really annoying from the point of view of setting up mods and means the TC accuracy of the wire is substantially lower than the advertised stats would suggest...
I'm starting to think that either the TCR on their website is wrong, or they have sent you the wrong wire by accident (but the matching resistivity suggests the former).
Disclaimer: The above is not an accusation, just an exploration of of possible causes.