There's a bloke on here who makes mods, i own five beautiful mods that he made a DNA75, A DNA 75c, a DNA 200 (133w). a DNA250 (166w) and one with the G class chipset. Now comparing the prices between His mods and another maker who has been mentioned then all i will say is it's a bit of a difference. The bloke who i would go to without hesitating is Stu
@vapesmarter. With Stu you get chance to input what you actually want in regards to shape, colours wood types etc. You could even get a 24 carat gold cframe made with a stab wood hybrid box as long as you are willing to pay out for gold, what i am saying is you get more for your money because Stu will listen to your needs and you can get aftercare, servicing, etc and the best part is he makes mods affordably priced.