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Custom squonk mod...FINISHED!

joe clay

Apr 19, 2014
Hey up apes, last week i got my 1st squonk mod and i now have 4 and today i thought i'll make my own squonker mod.
So started off with shaping some bulser wood to use as the inlay so when the marble resin is poured around it, it doesn't need so much work carving out the inside



I then carved a groove to separate the battery and squonk bottle and added some extra for the mod door, i then made a mold for the magnetic door


Then i made the enclosure to hold the internal wood mold and made it so that it could be split in half when the marble resin has set,



....why marble resin i hear you ask? ....well 1, my brother inlaw is a marble mason so i get it free and 2, this stuff is rock solid when set.

.....more to follow.....
I love a build thread, looking forward to how this turns out. Clever idea, will you be able to re-use the mold?
....have decided to go for brass top and bottom plate, so they are now cut and ready and just toying with the idea of maybe making the door for battery and squonk bottle out of brass but that has got to be cut to shape and bent to shape i will need so it rounds off nicely..........cannot decide on wether to do a complete engraving on all the brass or just leave highly polished?.....what you apes think?

....and as this squonk mod will be for me for a change, as all other mods i have made i have given away to deserving potv members, so this is for me.
Blank box out of mould, 2 plates cut (top & bottom) plate cut for door and now the shaping begins, and a shed load of sanding to the blank to shart the shaping.






....more to come!
Well after coating up the garden table and the shed (keep in wifes good books) i then jumped onto shaping the squonk mod, fuck me after sanding for a couple of hours all that blue dust i looked like a frigging smurf, anyway shape is getting there, glued and fixed the top and bottom brass plates in place, so they are ready for cutting them close to where i want them then i can start sanding them to 1mm more all round the mod to allow for lacquering as i want a deep shine to bring out the blue sparkles, the door is nearly there but has to be spot bang on so when i polish the whole mod it is flush and very shiny all over.....still more work on the inside to do.




...more to come!
@joe clay nice one, looking forward to seeing the finished article. I'd never attempt anything like this. I'm useless with anything practical like that - I'm the type you could send off to B&Q for a glass hammer. Just learning to build my own coils was a remarkable achievement for me :D
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