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Daily Mail Onlie ( UK Newspaper)


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I Found this today or should i say my misses Did i'm sorry if it has been posted here before. But thought id post it (I did search for Daily Mail in the search Function but didn't find any thing)

The original link is here Daily Mail Online

'Electronic cigarettes could be unsafe and lead to health problems,' ministers warn

By Sophie Borland
PUBLISHED: 17:17, 5 August 2012 | UPDATED: 11:20, 24 August 2012

Electronic cigarettes could be unsafe and lead to long-term health problems, ministers have admitted.
They are considering toughening-up the law by ensuring the devices undergo strict checks before being put on sale.
Around 650,000 smokers are thought to be using the inhalers - which look like cigarettes or pens - to help them kick the habit.

Warning: Electronic cigarettes could be unsafe and lead to long-term health problems according to ministers

They trick them into thinking they are smoking an ordinary cigarette by releasing nicotine and certain other vapours.
But at present the devices - which are all imported from China - do not have to undergo any safety checks before being put on sale in high street chemists.
Ministers are concerned that some brands may contain very high levels of nicotine - the addictive substance in cigarettes has also been linked to cancer.


There is also evidence that certain types of ‘e-cigs’ have high levels of poisonous chemicals.
These include ‘tobacco-specific nitrosamines’ - a substance given off by nicotine - which has been shown to cause cancer in rats.
Certain brands have also been found to contain Diethylene glycol, a poisonous chemical which is fatal in exceptionally high doses.
The Government’s drug’s watchdog - the Medicine and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency - will make a decision next Spring on whether to introduce stricter checks.
Health minister Simon Burns said: ‘The available data suggest that there can be great variability in the content of electronic cigarettes, both in the amount of nicotine present and also in relation to other potentially toxic substances.
‘Some electronic cigarettes have been tested by local authority trading standards departments and have been found to pose a potential danger to consumers.’
Despite concerns over their safety, the watchdog does not want to ban them as it could lead to smokers going back to ordinary cigarettes.
They are already outlawed in Australia, New Zealand, Brazil and Canada - and the state of New York is set to follow suit following a recent vote.
Figures from the charity Action on Smoking and Health show that 2 million Britons have tried e-cigs at least once, with 650,000 currently using them.
Deborah Arnott, spokesman for the charity said: ‘We certainly wouldn’t want smokers to think it’s better to go back to using cigarettes rather than e-cigarettes.
‘We’d want to see them properly regulated. Presently they are made in China but there are not properly regulated on how much nicotine they contain or on their safety quality.’
Michael Ryan a founder of the largest UK brand E-Lites said: 'We strongly disagree with this unwarranted criticism of electronic cigarettes.'
'The inference that electronic cigarettes contain cancer-causing chemicals in the form of Tobacco-Specific Nitrosamines has been discredited in the US, where the FDA demonstrated that the levels of TSNAs were too miniscule to be quantified.
In fact, the levels are comparable with those in pharmaceutical NRT products such as patches and gums, which are freely available via the NHS.'
I Also came across this from Vapour Trails TV forums All are worth a watch & read some of it might make your blood boil. I know it did mine when is saw / read it. I See Tobacco comannies buying out smaller E-cig retailers and jacking up prices

Deborah Arnott's presentation: http://www.fead.org.uk/video553/Deborah-Arnott-(ASH):-Why-regulating-nicotine-effectively-is-the-only-way-to-end-smoking.html

WHO proposals for e-cigs- http://apps.who.int/gb/fctc/PDF/cop5/FC ... _13-en.pdf

The Sun piece on smoking hooligan - http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/ne ... z28tS8gZeq
As usual, the good old Daily Mail takes some facts, mixes them up with a drop of bullshit and a nice big dollop of hatred, seasons with fearmongering and serves delicately chilled.....
It's about time one of these papers did some propper research and published all the facts as known. There is now some compeling evidence to support e-cigs as a valid form of THR and if reported by someone without an agenda the facts look quite good.
It's not fresh news, but it should be noticed that recently the dm published a pro e-cig article.
Meaning somebody footed the bill for that to happen.
Most dm are sponsored, and there is no social or legal liability for journalists when they write objectively wrong things, unethical but not illegal, sadly.
To me it's all to do with the government loosing out on tax money, and the tobacco industry loosing out on revenue. It's got nothing to do with the E-cigs being healthy or not.
They say they want to get people off smoking, though really they don't, as when everyone would quit, they cant fill their pockets, so they'll have to find something else to fill their pockets with, so why not the E-cig, after the pot calling the kettle black.
Yes, in august news. Although we will all notice that these articles do mention they are better for you than conventional cigarettes. Its still quite new, people are finding it hard to understand them and the papers should be supporting it. Have we all read the US study results on 4th October 2012? It states there is no risk to passive vapers. The link is on my news page http://www.vibrant-vapours.co.uk/index.php?route=information/information&information_id=6

And we cant see this article as completely bad, it really just calls for regulation, genuine vendors like the ones here will need it, it will rule out all of the back street companies with bad quality imports. It will if nothing else make e-cigs safer. but im sure taxes will follow suit :(
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