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Deionised or distilled water essential?

Ok thanks 60/40 should do me fine cos I'm not looking to recreate a nightclub dance floor in my living room. Don't think the missus would be too happy with a blanket of fog stopping her from seeing her soaps.
Use sterilised water, its actually distilled water done in a scientific manner. A lot of peeps use steam from a kettle, the water from a tap has Christ knows what in it, fine for drinking, but don't think I would vape it due to all the chemicals in it. Plus have you looked in your kettle!

I use about 10/15% to mix with VG..
Scottish water doesn't leave a big limescale build up in the kettle like English water. Well it does in Yorkshire anyway
Scottish water doesn't leave a big limescale build up in the kettle like English water. Well it does in Yorkshire anyway

I that's fine unless you have a fan of Kevin Bridges as a friend!:grin2:
I thin my VG with home made distilled water (a minor PITA but I know it's clean, I also filter it) at about 12%. It does make a difference when you're mixing as I find straight up VG a bit tricky to measure out due to it's viscosity (it sticks to the measuring cylinders and/or won't easily pull into a syringe). I mix at 50/50 but if you're not fussy then a 60/40 mix would probably be about the same as my half n half diluted mix. :)
I thin my VG with home made distilled water (a minor PITA but I know it's clean, I also filter it) at about 12%. It does make a difference when you're mixing as I find straight up VG a bit tricky to measure out due to it's viscosity (it sticks to the measuring cylinders and/or won't easily pull into a syringe). I mix at 50/50 but if you're not fussy then a 60/40 mix would probably be about the same as my half n half diluted mix. :)

I preheat my vg in hot water bath to help with viscosity
According to grizwalds guide to mixing u have to thin out the VG by using around 20% of deionised water or alcohol. Is this essential?

nope .. not essential at all ... I find it harshens the juice and dilutes the flavour personally
So in a 60/40 pg/vg mix I wouldn't need it then? I like the sound of the water carrying more flavour though

Ina PG/VG mix water wouldn't carry more flavour .. My guess is TwoEyedBob is referring to a full VG mix (bar flavours) - I have not tested the theory on a mix that high in VG tho so cannot comment ..

certainly on a PG/VG mix .. i find it mutes flavour if anything
Ina PG/VG mix water wouldn't carry more flavour .. My guess is TwoEyedBob is referring to a full VG mix (bar flavours) - I have not tested the theory on a mix that high in VG tho so cannot comment ..

certainly on a PG/VG mix .. i find it mutes flavour if anything
spot on...as op hadnt mentioned pg in original post i had wrongly concluded it was a full vg (excluding flavours) mix.
spot on...as op hadnt mentioned pg in original post i had wrongly concluded it was a full vg (excluding flavours) mix.

have tried quacks goose juice and that wicks ok in heron
supposed to be max VG and it certainly is very thick
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