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Demonstration against the ban on e-cigs as we know it


New Member
Aug 20, 2013

In Germany they have a protest in a few cities this weekend, the main one in Dusseldorf and it was suggested that we had one in Westminster, but I don't think anything had ever been finalised.

Now the problem I see is that a lot of people in the north (or even as far as scotland) will not be overkeen to travel all the way to westminster for a protest due to transport costs, etc.

So after talking to yoda1970 we both agree that we should try and arrange a protest in multiple cities on the same day to try and spark more interest from people who feel strongly about the proposed EU regulation and will also bring more media attention. The multiple places idea would bring more attention I think if we could get enough numbers in each city. I think a lot would go to their nearest city as opposed to London (apart from those near London)

So, what are your thoughts people? Maybe suggest it to your local area to see what you can drum up?

I live in Burnley so it would be Preston or Manchester for me. Unless we get more granular and do it in our local town?

We need to set a date to do this, but I think it needs to be done to show the scale of the amount of people concerned about the proposed regulations to make e-cigs medicinal (which will shut down vendors we know and love due to licencing costs)
As FT said, we talked about this idea last night and thought it was a good idea. Birmingham would be my nearest city. We need to co-ordinate something to get things moving as soon as we can, so need volunteers to be responsible for arranging things in their local cities, so anyone that feels they could offer their time and be able to organise local vapers and get everyone together in their local city would be great. I've been in touch with caerulean sea at ecca and am awaiting a reply to see if we can get any help and support from them, and i've sent tweets out left, right and centre so i'll see what comes back.
as far as im concerned to make this a proper job you need to get everyone in one place and that place should be Westminster as it is where the government is. There is no point in having a handful of people in several towns just doesnt get the point across, I am on the south coast so where ever I will have to travel but I will and am up for this 100% as I have said countless times before but we need numbers to make a impact.

Yes it will be a pain in the ass to travel but do we want to make a point or not??
Though I take your point about mass action, it does make a difference when you're not within easy reach of London.

Driving's out of the question, so to do a weekday, with advance tickets and not arriving before 11am and travelling back the same evening would be around £100 per person - any other option gets more expensive (getting there for the morning would almost double it) and if timings demanded one or more overnight stay you can add at least £50 pp on top (based on the last time I looked for a cheap hotel).

As an aside, if we wanted open return it would be over £1100 for 2 of us! (so stunned, I had to share!)

Though it is a cause I believe in, there is the practicality (and affordability) of committing anything from £200 to £500 to be involved.
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