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Diacetyl is worse than previously thought


Jul 17, 2012
New research published this year and reported here:

Huffington Post

indicates it is evil stuff. I am going to lob my Flavour Arts butter in the bin now. Alzheimers? No thanks.
F'Arts are diacetyl free according to F'Arts on the UKV post.
All flavours on the FlavourArt UK website are free from diacetyl.
Flavourart Italy has some that contain diacetyl but they are clearly listed as unsuitable for vaping,
they are suitable for food applications only.
Massimiliano Mancini, head of FA Italy, has done more than most to address this issue
and has led the way with the Clearstream Protocol. His attitude to safety and his commitment to quality
are just two the reasons we formed an Anglo-Italian relationship over two years ago.



And on the Italy site it specifically says
This flavor contains Diacetyl and/or related diketones. Not suitable for vaping. For further details see diacetyl page in Vape Heaven section

We don't vape diacetyl and any vendor that sells flavours knowingly containing it without so stating the warnings, isn't worth the custom.
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I've heard bad things about that stuff ever since I started Vaping and alway avoided anything described as popcorn or similar. There was a huge lawsuit in the States from memory brought by popcorn factory workers? Haven't done the research but recall there is no risk from eating the stuff but it's when it gets into the lungs it's completely different
I've heard bad things about that stuff ever since I started Vaping and alway avoided anything described as popcorn or similar. There was a huge lawsuit in the States from memory brought by popcorn factory workers? Haven't done the research but recall there is no risk from eating the stuff but it's when it gets into the lungs it's completely different

The research article indicates that eating it may not be too good either.
Yeah, it's one of the things I picked up in my readings. It should probably be stated, MOST people do not knowing vape diacetyl and if your juice contains it, it's safer than not, to toss it.

It is NOT something you want to vape. EVER, it causes something called POPCORN LUNG. Which is a term used for the factory workers who make popcorn. It is a debilitating disease which can lead to death. As always, research, educate, and only buy from trusted sources!
Yeah, it's one of the things I picked up in my readings. It should probably be stated, MOST people do not knowing vape diacetyl and if your juice contains it, it's safer than not, to toss it.

It is NOT something you want to vape. EVER, it causes something called POPCORN LUNG. Which is a term used for the factory workers who make popcorn. It is a debilitating disease which can lead to death. As always, research, educate, and only buy from trusted sources!

That was long term inhalation in high concentrations in specific circumastances.

This is new research - indicating it might cause Alzheimer's, plus, quote

Researchers from the American Chemical Society also warned that DA could easily penetrate the so-called ‘blood-brain barrier’, which prevents harmful substances from entering the brain.
Furthermore, the artificial flavouring also stopped a protective protein called Glyoxalase I reaching the brain – a key protein that safeguards nerve cells.


No specific vaping references - just that it is evil per se - maybe through any form of ingestion.
There probably wouldn't be specific vaping references in that research though because diacetyl is not something vapers would normally vape. I do not believe it had been found in any of the juices done in the toxicology reports either.
Makes you hope the manufacturers and suppliers of chemical flavourings would be cautious about who they sold to doesn't it.
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