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Dicodes SBS 18350 + Extras


Staff member
Aug 18, 2013
This a heartbreaker :( Carol purchased this on the day they were released in the UK from Creme de Vape, she also purchased the 18650 Tube on my insistence ;) along with some 18350 Cells.

Unfortunately, her arthritis in her fingers and hands has rendered it impossible for her to fire it :(. So, rather than have it sitting here haunting her, she's decided to pass it on. She has also suggested that we make it more appealing by offering it as a Full Kit, so there is also the rather nice little Berserker Mini 1.5 included.
RRP for the Mod is £220.99
RRP for the 18650 Tube is £21.99

Everything is in Perfect condition and includes the Cordless Charging Base and Lead, Resitherm Wire, and the afore mentioned Pair of 18350 Cells

She would like to offer this for SALE ONLY at £215 including RMSD. The FeV Atty is NOT included!!

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Herself has seen something else she'd like to get, so maybe try a "sensible" offer? ;)
One and only price drop. £190 :doh:
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