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Dispelling the TC & TC Coil myths...

Nice post Tubby.

So the fluctuations I get when I take a draw come from having the wattage too high? That was what put me off TC, I may give it another go now.
Everything you said makes perfect sense when you think about it , I was having my watts cranked right up as well and the battery life was pathetic so I might give tc another go as well .
Nice post Tubby.

So the fluctuations I get when I take a draw come from having the wattage too high? That was what put me off TC, I may give it another go now.
I've also had that "Fluttering" output on a DNA 200 - rewire or make sure the spacing is OK on the coil and everything should go fine - bu usually it's overshoot cycling that does it...
Nice post Tubby.

So the fluctuations I get when I take a draw come from having the wattage too high? That was what put me off TC, I may give it another go now.
If you're ever at one of the meets or maybe at Vapefest I'll give you a toot on one of mine thats working as TC should...
now thats what we needed. very well explained @Tubbyengineer

might be an idea of re posting in the beginners section as well
Brilliant post @Tubbyengineer I am bookmarking it.

What about the "TC uses more/less battery than wattage that gets banded about quite a bit? I would have thought (and have experienced) better battery life in TC mode but lots think the opposite!

It's Watts in = Watts out, mostly it depends on your vaping style. If you vape high airflow attys at high heat then you might use a little more battery, if you vape say a Kayfun and like a fairly cool vape then you're going to get a fair bit more life. THe "Boost" phase of a TC vape uses the most power - that bit where you get up to temperature, once at temperature something with a MTL draw like a Kayfun might spend most of it's time during a draw bumbling along at 5 watts or so, but if you were to run a huge cloudchasing dripper at 500f then youre going to spend a lot of the time pumping power in to keep the temp up...
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Good stuff, Tubby. I'm still dippping in and out of TC, the next time will be when I get an SX MIni ML class to try out. I'm told TC is all about the chipset ... how true is that?

Also, you made mention, and made light it could be said, of the dry hit. Isn't the dry hit still to be avoided at all costs ... perhaps the only aspect of vaping which is truly dangerous to the vaper? It concerns me a bit that you're practically giving a green light to using Ni200 and other TC wires/coil heads in power/wattage mode. Shouldn't we be very cautious about that?
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