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Diy or Die

You're right it was the other guy. My mistake. Sincere and full apologies.

PS Ur right about AG. I was indoctrinated to using ag by a tree hugger. I've since learned better.

Again apologies for mistaking you for the other guy x

S'ok don't worry about it - I think I've made my mind up about AG anyway, I find the overly watery stuff 80/20 mix just horrible....they could mix it with deionised, distilled, volcanic or even flippin' Evian water and I don't think it'll ever suit me for mixing purposes lol
You could just add more vg to it to thicken it up if you add 1 part and to 2 part pure vg should give you around 5% water

That's a good idea, I hate any kind of wastage. I'll do it with a smallish amount first tho and see what kind of viscosity I get - cheers!
this is looking right down my street too haven't got all the tpa flavours but have them in fa
will give it a bash when I get back from my holls.
View attachment 105574

so finally got round to having a go of this with what I had lying around
ive used xtra mint, but later found I had some peppermint lol
anyway its had 3 days steep and tastes bloody great its not too far off the
original. very nice though.
fa candy floss 0.5%
fa fresh cream 1%
cap marshmallow 2.5%(could use fa @1%)
fa meringue 1%
fa xtra mint 1.5%(fa/cap peppermint if you have it)
tpa sweetener 0.5%
tpa vanilla bean gelato 3%
Anyone tried the Dewy boba tea recipe? I got the stuff coming this week. I read the recipe a while back and thought sounds alright but it must have planted a seed in my brain. Now I'm thinking ZOMG this is going to be amazing haha.
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