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dna 20 or 30

midlands vaping

May 30, 2013
Ok folks, here's a question that's probably been discussed and answered several times before, but what would your preference be on a dna mod dna 20/30 and a box or tube mod?.

im thinking a tube mod dna 30 but cant decide

pls help
I'd go for a tube mod or a box mod,tbh I wouldn't care if it was dinner plate sized hexagon as long as it contained the DNA30. I'm still trying to find a DNA20/30 mod that doesn't require me to sell my entire family & bodily parts plus eat grass for the rest of the year.

Though I wish it included reverse battery protection.

The 30 has a power limit of 30W compared to the 20W for the DNA20 and a couple of other quality of life improvements, the biggest one being you can lock the power settings on a 30.
Quite why you need 30W power is beyond me but there are some people that like that.

I prefer tube mods.
Ok folks, here's a question that's probably been discussed and answered several times before, but what would your preference be on a dna mod dna 20/30 and a box or tube mod?.

im thinking a tube mod dna 30 but cant decide

pls help

Well at the moment I have the XPV which is a DNA20, they are bringing out a DNA30 soon so that is something I could be tempted with. As for tube or box, mine is a tubey box shape so have the best of both I suppose :D

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