Success! - Sculpteo mount arrived this morning and it's a perfect fit - impressed with the print quality and tolerances from Sculpteo. They are the cheaper option for shipping for anyone in the UK or Europe. This design will be coming out of Beta this evening.
Here is preliminary testing of all fixtures and chip mounting:
At this point this mount is ready for most any box mod! - However there are a few things to be noted for mounting in a HANA style enclosure. I knew from the beginning that with the extra width of the DNA 40 there would be very tight tolerances - indeed with just the plastic cradle and the screws there is plenty of flex in the cradle to allow you to push it into the hana enclosure and be secure
but that's just wishful thinking because when you fix the chip - it's board removes all flex entirely - and now you face a problem in that the heads of the screws used to fix the board to the cradle now overlap a fraction on the sides and you will no longer be able to slide the cradle along with the chip into the enclosure. I could have gone with a smaller screw but you'd be on the edge of its ability to secure the board and the thread pitch would be tiny and the 3d printed holes might not be up to the job when you go the next size down - so bearing all that in mind I always intended to use this method...
with whatever you are comfortable using - I chose this:
with the chip mounted and screwed to the cradle -- carefully grind a small flat into the sides of the screw heads - not much is needed - just 1/3rd to 1/2 mm -
keep trying it until you whole assembly can slide easily with just a little force applied into the enclosure. When it's in there - all you need to do now is to apply a 1/8th turn more on each screw and the heads of the screws will work like cams - gripping the sides of the enclosure with some lateral force and clamping the whole assembly in place very securely!
and yes I know it looks like there is no clearance for the wattage adjust button - but the cradle isn't in it's proper place in that picture - in the right place the button fits there snug as a bug in a rug with about 2mm clearance
As long as shapeways print process is as accurate as Sculpteo's I can see that going out of beta very soon also...