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DNA 40 Chip Mount - Currently in Beta for 3D Printing

OK - I've made enquiries to sculpteo and I would be willing to order greater quantities of these if there was sufficient interest - I'd also be able to offer trade prices to retailers as well - please post here or PM if anyone interested so i can gauge whether to grab a load of them or not :)
Shapeways delivered and it works really well

well, take a look at my one installed this was version 1, beta test , perfectly fine no problems and no grinding screw heads

got my screws from modelfixings.co.uk part no.MF-ST30 ( No0 X6.4mm phillips self tap)

in situ.jpg
used a bit of glass scored and snapped from old picture frame for window this was a shapeways version of product

Oh thought i would mention to get the fire button LED to illuminate on dna40 board :-

Connect the LED between the negative side of the fire switch and ground or B- with 1n4148 diode inserted
Switch positive to position 3 on the boards
Switch negative to position 4 on the board
Led positive to switch negative
Led negative to GND on board, with diode inserted

or read illuminated dna 40 button tip post

That information came from brandon at evolv ,many thanks for great customer service
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well, ill take a couple

OK - I've made enquiries to sculpteo and I would be willing to order greater quantities of these if there was sufficient interest - I'd also be able to offer trade prices to retailers as well - please post here or PM if anyone interested so i can gauge whether to grab a load of them or not :)

well, looks like ill be building some more of these, ill take a couple (2) at the moment.

Though, im sure i'll be building more later on

How about a chip mount for the usb charger :yahoo: actually a drop in unit for up/down buttons charger and board would really be something of value
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well, looks like ill be building some more of these, ill take a couple (2) at the moment.

Though, im sure i'll be building more later on

How about a chip mount for the usb charger :yahoo: actually a drop in unit for up/down buttons charger and board would really be something of value

It's something I've been thinking about - but tolerances get really tight then and you have to have a certain wall thickness for the plastic to retain strength and that cuts into space for the wiring then - still I'm looking into it ;)


Okelly Dokelly!

Got this tester mod finished: -

used a custom switch for the fire button - not the exact one I wanted but it will suffice - wanted something with space in the enclosure.
Used silicone wire for the wattage adjustments and fire button. little bit thicker on the insulation-but a lot more flexible.
Used SUGRU to hold the adjust buttons in place and to blank off the USB charging holes and to insulate the rear of the fire switch.
Not using on-board charging - takes too long - will be modding case for magnets in a few days..
Used a small piece of high density foam in the channel for the screen to ensure that it was centred in the Enclosure screen cut-out with the cradle in the final position.

Looks tidy - works great! Very pleased with the result!


Shapeways mounts arrived and passed all tests! All mounts are now out of beta everywhere :)



Fitting hints and tips:

I recommend Size0 1.5mm thread self tapping stainless screws of approx 6-7mm length for mounting the board - there will be no issues with screw head overhang with these screws.

There are some variables involved with the screen placement:
{i} Modifications to production runs for the cutout on the Hana style enclosure
{ii} where the modder wishes to place the cradle dependant on switch size and positions

therefore I allowed for this in the design - a piece of high density foam of approx 1.5-1.6mm thickness - available for a pittance at any craft store - should be cut and placed in the screen well to give perfect placement of the screen horizontally in your particular build. :)

I have a bulk order coming from Sculpteo - due on or around 11th December. - They will be all standard white flexible plastic.
It is not a huge order as I am still gauging demand for them and what would be the best quantities to order.

I will be selling them for £7.25

that cost will include:

  • 1 x DNA mount
  • 4 x Size 0 screws - 1.5mm thread - self tappers
  • 1 x piece of foam for precise screen alignment
  • 1st class postage UK

if anyone is interested please PM me so I can gauge demand :)

thanks all! :)
Sculpteo batch arrived early - sending out mounts now to all that wanted one:

I have 19 left - first come first served :)

Cheers :)
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